Hosted by Mrs. Dempsey
Air Masses/Fronts Storms Predicting Weather Random
Row 1, Col 1 What two characteristics do scientists use to classify air masses? Temperature/Humidity
1,2 Name the two types of air masses that can converge to form tornadoes Cp/Mt
1,3 Give the weather report for Boston for the next 24 hours.
1,4 At what temperature would precipitation change from rain to snow? 32
2,1 What type of air mass would form over the North Atlantic Ocean? What would its temp. and humidity be like? Maritime Polar/Cool and humid
2,2 Name 3 states that are part of Tornado Alley Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas
2,3 Name an air mass associated High pressure and one associated with low pressure. Cp-high/Mt-low
2,4 Which way do winds turn in the Northern Hemisphere? Why? Right
3,1 Name two winds that move air masses in the United States. Westerlies /Jet Stream
3,2 Name the instrument that measures wind speed. anemometer
3,3 Name 3 technological tools used in gathering weather data and improving accuracy of weather forecasts. Balloons, satellites, computers, weather station models
3,4 Name two conditions to expect during a Nor’ Easter. Why would you expect to receive a lot of rain or snow? High winds from the NE/ counterclockwise rotation
4,1 Two major difference between cyclones and anticyclones are.. What type of weather is a cyclone generally associated with? Direction of their winds/ wet, cloudy
4,2 Name 3 “ingredients” needed for a hurricane to form Warm ocean waters, low pressure, winds
4,3 What is an isobar? Name one unit used to measure air pressure and the instrument that does it Equal pressure, mb or inches of mercury/ barometer
4,4 Describe the type of pressure that is over us right now. How do you know? Tomorrow it is going to be 33 degrees out. What type of front will be moving through tonight? What type of observable weather might we expect?
5,1 Name the four types of fronts What type of front would be responsible for the formation of thunder clouds? Cold/Warm/StationaryOccluded..stationary
5,2 What is one of the most deadly parts of a hurricane, tornado, and snow storm? Wind
5,3 Why do sea breezes occur in Boston? Explain when and why Daytime land heat up faster than ocean, cool air above ocean replaces the air rising of land
5,4 Back in November, Buffalo, NY received close to 9 feet of snow in a short period of time. Explain, in detail, how this can happen. Lake-Effect Snow