Applications of eddy covariance measurements, Part 1: Lecture on Analyzing and Interpreting CO 2 Flux Measurements Dennis Baldocchi ESPM/Ecosystem Science Div. University of California, Berkeley CarboEurope Summer Course, 2006 Namur, Belgium
Outline Philosophy/Background Processing Time Series Analysis –Diurnal –Seasonal –Interannual Flux Partitioning –Canopy photosynthesis –Ecosystem Respiration Processes –Photosynthesis f(T,PAR, LAI, soil moisture) –Respiration f(photosynthesis, soil C &N, T, soil moisture, growth) –Functional Type –Disturbance Space –Cross-Site Analyzes
Philosophy/Background Philosophy –What, How, Why, Will be? BioPhysical Processes –Meteorology/Microclimate Light, temperature, wind, humidity, pressure –Vegetation Structure (height, leaf area index, leaf size) Physiology (photosynthetic capacity, stomatal conductance) –Soil Roots Microbes Abiotic conditions (soil moisture, temperature, chemistry, texture) Spatial-Temporal Variability –Spatial Vertical (canopy) and Horizontal (footprint, landscape, functional type, disturbance) –Temporal Dynamics Diurnal Seasonal Inter-annual
What a Tower Sees
Schulze, 2006 Biogeosciences What the Atmosphere Sees
Eddy Covariance
Real-time Sampling Sample instruments at 10 to 20 Hz, depending on height of sensors and wind speed. f sample = 2 times f cutoff (f=nz/U) Store real-time data on hard disk Process and Compute Means, Variances and Covariances, Skewness and Kurtosis. Compute 30 or 60 minute averages of statistical quantities. Document data and procedures. Diagnose instrument and system performance Look for Spikes and Off-Scale Signals
Post Processing, hourly data Compute Means, Covariances, Variances, Skewness and Kurtosis using Reynolds averaging Merge turbulence and meteorological data Apply calibration coefficients and gas law corrections to compute unit-correct flux densities and statistics Apply transfer functions and frequency corrections Compute Storage and Advective fluxes Compute power spectra and co-spectra; examine instrument response and interference effects From the Field to your Dissertation
Post Processing, daily data Apply QA/QC and eliminate bad data Fill gaps using gap filling methods Correct nighttime data using such corrections as with well-mixed friction velocity, or check against independent measurements, such as soil respiration chambers Compute daily integrals Think and Read
Time Series Analysis: Raw Data
Time Series: FingerPrint
Time Series: Diurnal Pattern
Time Series: Mean Diurnal Pattern
Night time Biased Respiration
CO 2 Storage ‘Flux’
Deciduous Broadleaved Forests
Fourier Transforms
Time Series: Spectral Analysis Baldocchi et al., 2001 AgForMet
Stoy et al Tree Physiol
Time Series: Interannual Variability Data of Wofsy, Munger, Goulden, Harvard Univ
Knohl et al Max Planck, Jena Intern-annual Lag Effects Due to Drought/Heat Stress
Processes Canopy Photosynthesis –Light –Temperature –Soil Moisture –Functional Type Ecosystem Respiration –Temperature –Soil Moisture –Photosynthesis
From E. Falge Concepts: NEE and Environmental Drivers
Pulses, Switches and Lags are Important too! They are Features of Complex Dynamical Systems Biosphere is a Complex Dynamical System –Constituent Processes are Non-linear and Experience Non- Gaussian Forcing –Possess Scale-Emergent Properties –Experiences Variability Across a Spectrum of Time and Space Scales –Solutions are sensitive to initial conditions –Solutions are path dependent –Chaos or Self-Organization can Arise
Light and Photosynthesis: Leaves, Canopies and Emerging Processes
CO 2 uptake-Light Response Curve: Crops Linear Function and High r 2 (~0.90)
Function is Non-Linear and Low r 2 (~0.50) CO 2 uptake-Light Response Curve: Forest
CO 2 flux vs Sunlight at different LAI Xu and Baldocchi, 2003, AgForMet
Use Theory to Interpret Complex Field Data Patterns
Leuning et al. 1995, PCE A c vs Q p : Daily Sums Become Linear!?
Role of Averaging Period: Hourly vs Daily Sims et al. AgForMet, 2005
Sims et al 2005, AgForMet Role of Averaging Period: Snap Shot vs Daily Integral
Canopy Light Response Curves: Effect of Diffuse Light
CO 2 Flux and Diffuse Radiation Niyogi et al., GRL 2004
C Fluxes and Remote Sensing: NPP and NDVI of a Grassland Xu, Gilmanov, Baldocchi
Rahman et al 2005 GRL
Linking Water and Carbon: Potential to assess G c with Remote Sensing Xu + DDB
Land Surface Water Index (LSWI) plotted with daily NEE for 2004/2005 PRI and NEE Land Surface Water Index LSWI = (ρ860 - ρ1640)/(ρ860 + ρ1640) PRI = ( 570 ) / ( 570 ) Falk, Baldocchi, Ma
Partitioning Carbon Fluxes
Law and Ryan, 2005, Biogeochemistry
Kuzyakov, 2006 De-Convolving Soil Respiration
From E. Falge
Deconstructing NEP: Flux Partitioning into R eco and GPP Xu and Baldocchi Falge et al
Ecosystem Respiration Xu + Baldocchi, AgForMet 2003 Is Q 10 Conservative?
Environmental Controls on Respiration Xu + Baldocchi, AgForMet 2003
Rains Pulse do not have Equal Impacts Xu, Baldocchi Agri For Meteorol, 2004
Rain Pulses: Heterotrophic Respiration
Respiration time Constant & ppt Xu + DDB
Tonzi Open areas Tang, Baldocchi, Xu, Global Change Biology, 2005 Respiration and Photosynthesis
Lags and Leads in Ps and Resp: Diurnal Tang et al, Global Change Biology 2005.
Cross-Site Analyses
What is Wrong with this Picture? Valentini et al., 2000, Nature
Longitudinal Gradients across Continents in T and ppt Break the Relationship
Falge et al., 2002
Law et al 2002 AgForMet
Temperature Acclimation Falge et al; Baldocchi et al.
Respiration: Temperature and acclimation Analyst: Enquist et al. 2003, Nature
Spatial Gradients: NEE and Length of Growing Season
Re vs GPP
Data of Pilegaard et al. Soil Temperature: An Objective Indicator of Phenology??
Data of: ddb, Wofsy, Pilegaard, Curtis, Black, Fuentes, Valentini, Knohl, Yamamoto. Granier, Schmid Baldocchi et al. Int J. Biomet, in press Soil Temperature: An Objective Measure of Phenology, part 2
Disturbance and Carbon Fluxes Amiro et al., 2006
Coursolle et al. 2006