Macbeth Act 1 Character analysis Macbeth, Lady Macbeth, Banquo, and King Duncan By Patrick Qi.


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Presentation transcript:

Macbeth Act 1 Character analysis Macbeth, Lady Macbeth, Banquo, and King Duncan By Patrick Qi

Macbeth Banquo Act 1.3 ln 54 “My noble partner” Act 1.3 ln 148 “Worthy Macbeth” King Duncan Act 1.4 ln 14 “O worthiest cousin!” Act 1.4 ln 54 “he is full so valiant” Act 1.6 ln 24 “And his great love” Act 1.4 ln 51 “Let not light see my black and deep desires” Lady Macbeth Act 1.5 ln 16 “yet I do fear thy nature; It is too full o’ the milk of human kindness” Act 1.7 ln 39 “Art thou afeard to be the same in thine own act and valour as thou art in desire?” M acbeth seems to be a kind and loyal follower of his king. Banquo and King Duncan all lavish great compliments upon him. We can tell that Banquo somewhat believes Macbeth to be his friend, and somewhat on the same level, as he calls Macbeth a “noble partner”. King Duncan believes Macbeth to be the perfect nobleman. He distinguishes Macbeth from others by lavishing titles and gifts. Duncan acts very humbly, often honoring Macbeth in his monologues. The contrasting viewpoints come from Macbeth and his wife. Macbeth realizes he has these dark desires, but he seems uncertain. Lady Macbeth also recognizes this uncertainty, calling him full of human kindness and daring him to become a man.

Lady Macbeth L ady Macbeth, very much like Macbeth, is viewed differently by different parties. Again Duncan is very humble honoring Lady Macbeth for being a good hostess. However again, Macbeth and Lady Macbeth herself realize the dark intentions they have. Macbeth realizes her strong nature, and wishes for her to bear male children, while Lady Macbeth can “chastise with the valour of my tongue”, she understands how manipulative she can be with her words. Also, her comment about smashing her own child while breastfeeding shows us that she is very firm, and willing to do anything to achieve her goals King Duncan Act 1.6 ln 13 “Thank us for your trouble” Act 1.6 ln 24 “Fair and noble hostess” Macbeth Act 1.7 ln 73 “Bring forth men-children only ; for thy undaunted mettle” Act 1.5 ln 27 “And chastise with the valour of my tongue” Act 1.5 ln 56 “The letters have transported me beyond this ignorant present, and I feel now the future in the instant” Act 1.7 ln 57 “Have pluck’d my nipple from his boneless gums, and dash’d the brains out” Banquo “I guess I really have nothing to say about Lady Macbeth, although rumors has it she is Macbeth’s boss. Haha.”

Banquo King Duncan Act 1.4 ln 29 “Noble Banquo, That hast no less deserved, nor must be known no less to have done so” Act 1.4 ln 54 “worthy Banquo” Sergeant Act 1.2 ln 39 “Doubly redoubled strokes upon the foe” Witches Act 1.3 ln 68 “So all hail, Macbeth and Banquo” Macbeth Act 1.3 ln 157 “Till then, enough. Come, friends” B anquo is known by all as a worthy man. A fearless soldier in battle, as the sergeants says. A noble man which is acknowledged by both Duncan and the witches. The witches realize the importance of Banquo, so they hail him. Duncan understands how Banquo is loyal and a good man, however he seems over looked in comparison with Macbeth. Macbeth acknowledges that Banquo is a worthy friend.

King Duncan Macbeth Act 1.4 ln 22 “The service and loyalty I owe, In doing it, pays itself. Your highness’ part is to receive our duties; and our duties are to your throne and state children and servants” Act 1.7 ln 16 “Besides, this Duncan hath borne his faculties so meek, hath been so clear in his great office, that his virtues will plead like angels” Act 1.7 line 33 “He hath honour’d me of late” Banquo Act 1.4 ln 32 “There if I grow, the harvest is your own” Lady Macbeth Act 1.6 ln 17 “those honours deep and abroad wherewith your majesty loads our house” Act 1.4 ln 12 “There’s no art to find the mind’s construction in the face: he was a gentleman on whom I built an absolute trust” Act 1.4 ln 21 “More is thy due than more than all can pay” D uncan is really the good guy. Macbeth understands how generous and good this king is. He speaks of how Duncan’s virtues are so pure that they “will plead like angels”. Duncan’s kindness is one reason Macbeth feels apprehensive of his wife’s plan. Lady Macbeth puts on a face and comments how honorable it is to have him over at their castle. Banquo attempts to act humble and says his own personal growth is truly the kings. Although everyone thinks Duncan is the nice guy, he finds himself too trusting at times, but Duncan often thinks he isn’t generous enough, as he believes he can never honor Macbeth enough.