JLT Hounslow Heath Junior School Junior Leadership Team
My Experience as a JLT first lunch first lunch trips e.g. Democracy Week, BT trips trips e.g. Democracy Week, BT trips speak to School Governors speak to School Governors hold assemblies hold assemblies You’re chosen by your class! You’re chosen by your class!
Democracy A system where people vote to decide who leads them. The elected people then listen to and consider the views of those who voted. – How Parliament Works GovernmentJLT MPs are elected by the votes of their consistencies (areas of the UK). JLTs are elected by the votes of their class. Making laws, debating issues and representing the views of people across the country. Making projects, debating how to achieve the projects and representing the views across the school. Parliament – Houses of CommonsHHJS – Classroom
Make a Difference Over the years the JLT have made things happen like: Over the years the JLT have made things happen like: the Quiet Area the Quiet Area the current Golden Rules the current Golden Rules the new pupil’s bathrooms the new pupil’s bathrooms chose the new Library furniture chose the new Library furniture raised money for charity raised money for charity Red Nose Day £1800 Red Nose Day £1800
Could you be part of the JLT? We are looking for two members from each class. We are looking for two members from each class.
What will it involve? Attend regular meetings. Listen to the ideas from everyone. Give up your time generously. Be an active team member. Speak in front of others. Work to make our school better.
Will I be able to give a speech to my class? Before you decide to become a JLT there may be a few things that you need to think about. Do I have the time to be a Councillor? Will I enjoy it? What would I like to see different about our school? Do I mind giving up my own free time? Will I be able to let the school know what other children think?
A JLT needs to be... Approachable and a good listener Reliable and responsible A role model for others Patient and respectful Good communicator Positive and fair Decisive and a problem solver Determined to succeed.
So …….. If you think you would be perfect for the job then stand in your class elections. If you think you would be perfect for the job then stand in your class elections. Tell your class why you should be their JLT. Tell your class why you should be their JLT. Final decision is put to a class vote The decision is yours!