GivenGain Foundation Introductory Presentation WWF International Geneve, Switzerland September 2011
The Digital Age
Raising the Bar 3 million donors made a total of 6.5 million donations online. Donations for the campaign totalled more than $770 million. Of those 6.5 million donations, 6 million were $100 or less. The average online donation was $80. The average donor gave more than once.
Fundraising in the Digital Age US represents more than ½ the Global Online Philanthropic Market Globally more than $34 billion in Online Donations and growing Over ZAR 220 billion per year… New World No Boundaries No Limits Estimates in: 2001 = $550 Million 2002 = $1.1 Billion 2003 = $1.9 Billion 2004 = $2.62 Billion 2005= $4.53 Billion 2006= $6.87 Billion 2007 = $10.44 Billion 2008 = $14.64 Billion 2009 = $15.48 Billion 2010 = $17.65 Billion Source: and Harvard University Initiative on Social Enterprise
Reaching the Bar The rules haven’t changed: Communication Donor Management Campaigns Financial Management The tools have...
The Learning Age
Social Networking: January 2009
Social Networking: May 2010 Source: May 2010http://
Social Networking: May 2011 Source: Nov May 2011http://
Social Networking: The GeoSocial Universe
Social Networking: Usage Statistics
Social Networking: Strategy
A Toolkit: GivenGain
GivenGain: Introduction
Online Publishing Payment Processing Donor Management Integrated Communication GivenGain: Features
GivenGain: Key Features
PublishingPayment ProcessingDonor ManagementCommunication Accept multi-currency payments in VISA, MasterCard or direct payments – without a merchant account. Donor-controlled choice of causes, payment notification, donation reports and donor management. An online donor management database that captures and stores payment and contact data in one place. Views can be custom- arranged according to specific requirements. A fully-functional self- publishing web space. Upload, organize and display images and documents. Create projects, publish news, create newsletters, plot your map location and get listed in our Cause Directory. Send s or text messages to supporters. Personalized and up-to- date, thanks to integration with your donor management database. GivenGain: Key Features
Community Building
GivenGain: Activists & Campaigns Donor Campaigns: - Social Networking - Personal Cause Marketing - Integrated Tools - Easy to Use - Free Cause Campaigns: - Database Initiated - Integrated Communications - Campaign History - Corporate Collaboration
GivenGain: Summary Benefits Benefits to Organisations: - Comprehensive Web Tools - Initiate Fundraising Campaigns - Offers Event Scheduling & Bookings - Promote and Process Memberships - Diversify their Funding Sources & Timing Benefits to Donors: - Engagement - Transparency - Accountability - Communication - Reporting & Measurement
GivenGain: Summary Overview
GivenGain Foundation Introductory Presentation WWF International Geneve, Switzerland September 2011