Philosophy of Religion Welcome and Orientation Dr. Elizabeth Shadish
Orientation Session Roster and Adds If space permits, I will add at the end of class today Review of Handout: accessing and using ETUDES- NG My comments and your questions about the content of this course A brief look at our class website
While the Roster is Called… Read through in particular the “Navigating the Course” section of your handout. It gives you a good sense of how the course works. For a good semester - be prepared to talk openly, rationally and respectfully with each other.
Navigating our Course Website The Syllabus Link Contains our definitive source of course information Scroll down for course objectives, policies, grade scale, and other such important course information The Modules Link Coordinated with our Syllabus Topics Contains resources to help you approach and understand your readings and assignments
Online Learning – Personal Readiness Technical requirements for success Reliable computer access Firefox and a few other software needs Comfortable with , attachments and navigating the Internet Personal Requirements for success Independence and initiative A willingness to ask questions Self-directed and responsible
Online Learning – Course Content Our two required textbooks Kessler – Philosophy of Religion: Toward and Global Perspective Judd – Taking Sides: Clashing Views on Controversial Issues in Religion Instructor-generated and Internet-accessible support materials Research access to materials beyond encyclopedias (either paper or online)
Assignments and Grading Discussions – conducted in small groups, in a Discussion Board Forum. You will be assigned to your small group shortly after the add period is over. Quizzes and Exams (non-cumulative) - taken in the “Test Center.” These are timed, but may be “entered” twice. Individual papers - submitted through the “Digital Dropbox.”
Thinking Philosophically about Religion We are not: Systematically covering world religions Promoting or debunking religious beliefs and practices We are: Questioning and analyzing religious beliefs and practices For their reasonableness For their truth
Philosophy and Theology Deals with fundamental issues Is concerned with the meaning of life __________________ Questions all assumptions Seeks wisdom in the context of rational inquiry Deals with fundamental issues Is concerned with the meaning of life __________________ Accepts fundamental assumptions Seeks wisdom in the context of spiritual growth
Philosophy and Meaning If you don’t understand a concept or belief, you can’t begin to question it fairly. Determining meaning = providing a workable and reasonable definition Example: “What is the nature of religion?”
Consider: Religious Diversity Taoism Buddhism Judaism, Christianity and Islam Ba’hai Unitarianism Wicca Atheism or Science?
Philosophy and Truth Aquinas: faith is superior to reason and argument (with regard to religious doctrines) Three reasons to seek evidence that religious doctrines are in fact true: We are rational beings who naturally seek to exercise our minds Many argue that at least some aspects of religious doctrine can be supported by reason The contemporary appeal of evidentialism
Your Resources You will have plenty of help Class Modules Professor accessibility SOCS 213B – MW, 12 – 1 pm Online (instant ) – Th, 4 – 5 pm Website sign-up:
Your Login Information User ID: first_last. Password: birthday month and year in numeric format Go to ECC’s website to review login information for ETUDES-NG: Under “academics,” click on the Distance Education link Scroll down to “Etudes Login Directions”
Troubleshooting your Login If you can’t login using the procedures described on the Distance Ed page, go back to the ETUDES-NG portal. Click “reset password” Provide your address (probably your ECC address) NG will tell you your attempt was successful; check your for your new password.
After Logging In… Stay in “My Workspace” if you want to: Change your password Change the address NG will use. Click on your class tab at the top of the page to enter our class homepage.
So – Let’s Get Started! Be sure that you ask about anything that confuses you early in the class. Use the Student Lounge in the Discussion area to raise interesting issues or challenges related to thinking about religious beliefs and practices. Who knows – maybe we can work them into our class discussions!