Thermo- Chemistry Time to bring on the heat!
Energy vs. Temperature Energy: The capacity to do work. Temperature: A measure of the AVERAGE kinetic energy of particles in a sample of matter. Temperature: A measure of the AVERAGE kinetic energy of particles in a sample of matter.
Temperature vs. Heat Heat: The flow of energy due to a temperature difference Heat transfer occurs from the hotter substance to the cooler substance
Conduction The transfer of energy as heat between particles as they collide within a substance or between two objects in contact. EX: Soup warming on the stove; soup warms the bowl
Convection The transfer of energy by the movement of fluids (gas or liquid) with different temperatures. EX: You crawl out of a smoky room because the hot smoky air rises and cool clean air sinks to the floor
Radiation The transfer of energy by electromagnetic waves EX: infrared radiation, visible light, & ultraviolet rays
Endothermic vs. Exothermic Endothermic: A process that ABSORBS energy. Exothermic: A process that RELEASES energy.
Making Ice & Heat Packs Which salts would make a good ice pack or a good heat pack? Calcium Acetate Sodium Chloride Ammonium Nitrate Ammonium Chloride Calcium Chloride
Make this table on the back of your note sheet! Compound Gets Warmer Gets Colder No Change CalciumAcetate SodiumChloride AmmoniumNitrate AmmoniumChloride CalciumChloride
Heating Solid Water The Hot Plate is at a Constant Temperature
Phase Change Diagram of Water
Solid Ice Warming
Phase Change Diagram of Water Transition Solid/Liquid 0°C)
Phase Change Diagram of Water Liquid Water Warming
Phase Change Diagram of Water Transition Liquid/Gas (Steam) 100°C)
Phase Change Diagram of Water Gas Warming
James Joule’s Experiment James Joule’s experiment involved the conversion of mechanical energy to heat (thermal) energy.
Look at all of the paddle surfaces! They allow for a lot of FRICTION between water molecules!
Friction between molecules generates heat energy! We can measure the temperature increase.