F-R-I-E-N-D-S on NBC
Cast “Rachel”- Jennifer Aniston “Chandler”- Matthew Perry “Monica”- Courteney Cox Arquette “Joey”- Matt LeBlanc “Ross”- David Schimmer “Phoebe”- Lisa Kudrow Joey Rachel
Information “Friends” debuted for the season of The series focuses on the friendship of three men and three women who frequently gather at each other’s apartments and share sofa space at Greenwich Village’s “Central Perk” coffeehouse. “Friends” is on NBC at Thursday nights beginning at 8:00 pm. After 10 seasons, “Friends” is coming to and end in the Spring of 2004.
Most Recent Episode “The One Where Rachel’s Sister Babysits” October 30, Rachel’s sister, played by Christina Applegate, comes to town and wants to babysit Ross and Rachel’s baby, Emma. Rachel is scared that her sister, Amy, isn’t going to take good care of Emma. Meanwhile, Phoebe and her boyfriend, Mike, are at a Net’s game and they end up getting engaged over the big monitor in the middle of the game. This, along with most of the other episodes, was rated TV-14.