Egypt’s Golden Age The New KINGDOM
Key Time Periods of Egyptian History Generally, three distinct time periods define the Egyptian time period, but there is more to this story. - Old Kingdom - Middle Kingdom - New Kingdom Predynastic- unification of Egypt by Narmer - Late Dynastic - Greek Period - Roman Period 1 st Intermediate Period 2 nd Intermediate Period
The First Intermediate Period BCE - occurred at the end of the Old Kingdom after the death of Pepi II (ruled for 94 years…the longest reign of any monarchy in history). - he left a power vacuum… -Nile River’s predictable flooding was non-existent for several years compounded by drought conditions. This lead to… What Happened? -poor crop production led to widespread famine and food shortages…
The Second Intermediate Period 1640 BCE BCE -occurred at the end of the Middle Kingdom. -Large groups of people known as the Hyksos (from Phoenicia, Syria and Palestine), infiltrated Egypt during the Middle Kingdom. -Hyksos kings now had a base to gain control of Egypt which they inevitably did during this period. -Although “non-Egyptian” many didn’t mind their control. They did introduce modern weapons to Egypt: - Chariots - Compound Bow - Scimitar (sword with curved blade) “Rulers of Foreign lands”
The Hyksos and Hittites Hyksos (foreign rulers) likely originated from modern day Israel and Lebanon. Hittites ruled the southeastern areas of Turkey
The New Kingdom Begins Ahmose I (Ahmosis) defeats the Hyksos and Hittites in ~ 1550 BCE…sets the stage for the reunification of Egypt. Ahmose defeating the Hyksos and Hittites
Ahmose I Ruled for 25 years ( BCE) and set the stage for Egypt’s golden age. Dagger of Ahmose I (with inscription) (source: The ROM)
New Kingdom 1550 BCE-1070 BCE The GOLDEN AGE of Egypt. Great cultural, political advancement during this time. The most widely studied Egyptian time period Well known figures of this time period: Ahmose I Thutmoses (I, II and III) Ramses II Tutankhamun Amenhotep IV(Akhenaten) & Nefertiti Hatshepsut