The Dark Ages World History, Unit 4 Ms. Gerloski 1
Fall of Roman Empire Germanic tribes from North invade western half 500 AD: No Roman Empire Germanic culture drives Europe into “Dark Age” 2
Germanic People Teutonic/Gothic/Vandals/Franks Modern Germany, England, Sweden, etc. Many tribes – Less unity among people – Different languages law codes Loyalty to self and family 3
Collapse of Rome = Dark Ages 1. Disruption of Trade – Invasion on routes 2. Downfall of cities – Cities abandoned – No longer economic centers 3. Population shift – Left cities for rural – Need to grow food 4
Collapse of Rome = Dark Ages 4. Decline of learning – Low literacy 5. Lack of common language – Vernacular vs. Latin 6. Concept of Government changed – Less loyalty to law and leader 5
Stages of Collapse Comic Strip Make a comic strip depicting the 6 stages of the fall of the Roman Empire/Beginning of the Dark Ages It should include: -At least 6 scenes -Colored images -Effort and creativity! 6
Origins of Feudalism Kingdoms emerge in Europe (~800 AD/CE) – 5 major kingdoms Vulnerable to Viking invaders Give invader land in exchange for loyalty! Creates social, economic, and political order 7
Feudalism King= land owner, fief=land, Lord/noble= land gifter, vassal=land user (tenant), serfs= land worker Lord/vassal have peasants work the land (serfs) – Serfs must work/stay on land Social structure to society: King Church/nobles Knights Peasants – Status inherited 8
Medieval Knights First appeared around 8 th /9 th centuries – With feudalism Armored warriors – Skilled on horseback Lower class of nobility Later participated in crusades, fighting to reclaim the Christian Holy Land (Jerusalem) from the Muslims 9
Japanese Samurai Emerged around 9 th Century – Landowners need hired protection from thieves and invaders – Became powerful warrior class Existed until 19 th Century – Japan’s army until 1873 Code of honor, respect, and courage exists even today 10
Middle Ages Christianity Catholicism: The main/only Christian religion in Europe for nearly 1500 years Clergy = Priests, Bishops, Pope Heretics = People who did not follow Church 11 Pope Bishops Priests
The Church in the Middle Ages Only united aspect about Europe in Middle Ages – Different Languages, kings/lords, customs – Same faith Battled for power with Kings/nobles Church increases power through: – Taxes (Tithes) – Creation of armies for crusades – Creation of Canon Law & courts to enforce – Most people illiterate = easy for church to manipulate 12
The Crusades 1093: Byzantine Emperor Alexius requested help fighting Muslim & Nordic invaders in the East Church builds army of knights – Waves of men volunteer & fight – Pope promises forgiveness of sins if participate 13
Series of Crusades Attack Muslims to gain control of Jerusalem/aid Byzantium More crusades later – None got Jerusalem back – Later crusades mainly traders looking for goods – Possibly 1-3 million die in 7 crusades over 200 years 14
Effects of the Crusades Merchants expanded trade (Europe to SW Asia) – Greater interaction w/ Muslims & Byzantine Empire = sparked growth of learning Decline in power of feudal nobility – Increase in power of kings Legacy of bitterness and hatred by Muslims of Christians Increased persecution of European Jews 15
Gothic Cathedrals New style of church architecture Invention of buttress allowed for this – Projecting support of stone or brick against a wall sfdsfs 16