Frida Kahlo “I paint self-portraits because I am so often alone, because I am the person I know best”
Background Birth/Death: 6 th July th July 1954 Nationality: Mexican Education: Studied medicine but abandoned this after a horrific bus accident to become a painter Kahlo produced only about 200 paintings—primarily still life and portraits of herself, family and friends. She also kept an illustrated journal and did dozens of drawings. Was a politically active Communist Became famous after her death
Health At the age of 6, Kahlo contracted polio, which caused her permanent physical damage to her right leg and foot. For the rest of her life she walked with a limp, which she tried to hide with long skirt and sometimes even trouser suits. Kahlo began painting after she was in a horrific bus crash (1925), where she was so severely injured that she was told by doctors that she would never have children. Many of her paintings are about her inability to have children. Kahlo deteriorated health-wise, having her right leg amputated due to gangrene in 1952.
Style Her native, Mexican culture is prominent in her work Been described as ‘naive art’ and folk art More believe her work is ‘Surrealist’- Surrealist initiator and artist, Andre Breton described her work as a ‘ribbon round a bomb’- Kahlo rejected this, believing she paints her reality rather than her dreams (which is Surrealist MO.) Paints mostly self-portraits, which express her emotions and life trials “The Two Fridas” (1939) Oil on canvas x 173 cm
Paints with vibrant colours Her self portraits look at first, in spite of their imaginative overtones of symbolism to be very direct and honest appraisals. Intentionally (perhaps subconsciously) harsh, almost always emphasizing her moustache and “unibrow” effect which, seem much more pronounced in her paintings. Self-critical; it is hard edged and at times is obviously an expression of pain, disappointment and emotional turmoil. “The Two Fridas” (1939) Oil on canvas x 173 cm
Pose: Quite stiffly posed- straight back and head slightly turned Seems to stare out at the viewer, provocatively
“The Two Fridas” (1939) Oil on canvas x 173 cm
Completed in 1939, after Kahlo and her husband got divorced Shows her two sides of her personality- the one her husband loved in traditional Tehuana dress (left) with a broken heart and the one in modern clothing (right). In her diary, she wrote about this painting and said it is originated from her memory of an imaginary childhood friend. Later she admitted it expressed her desperation and loneliness with the separation from Diego. “The Two Fridas” (1939) Oil on canvas x 173 cm
Two Fridas are connected by holding hands but also by an artery- perhaps the independent Frida giving the traditional Frida blood The traditional Frida’s artery is severed and held by surgical instrument- perhaps she cut it herself? The blood is dripping onto the white dress In the modern Frida’s free hand is a tiny photograph of her husband, perhaps signifying her memories of him or that he is the reason for the divorce. “The Two Fridas” (1939) Oil on canvas x 173 cm