Biography Born July 6, 1907 in Coyoocan Died July 13, 1954 Mother was Spanish and Mexican Indian, Father was Hungarien and Jewish Suffered from polio and was in bus accident as a teenager Created 200 paintings, 55 were portraits Was a feminist Married to Diego Rivera Considered one of Mexico’s greatest artists
Self-Portrait with Monkey Done with oil Could not have children due to health problems, so pets served as her children Mexican clothing/ hairstyle shows her culture
The Little Deer Trees are dead and have broken branches The deer is young and hurt Forest provides the feel of fear and desperation Sky symbolizes her hope that there will be a brighter side to her pain Was painted out of disappointment Surgery to her spine did not get rid of pain and made her feel a lot worse jRxqFQoTCKv_hv-01McCFYFzPgodJBUIRA& deer.jsp&ei=FNvkVaulD4Hn- QGkqqCgBA&psig=AFQjCNGPrmpKOuNxZ9VPWuHcikq5YdRgqg&ust=
Fruit of Life Fruit represents the bond she had with earth and her garden The dove represents peace and tranquility The lines around the picture from the sun shows the burning pain she dealt with on a daily basis This painting was done near the end of her life when she could not go outside anymore 1McCFYsaPgod4IsHgg& AHgl56QCA&psig=AFQjCNG4g90Ll_sOqMnBls4wrzkvelajKA&ust=