Chapter Checklist: Motivating Students Introduction: Motivation: “Refers to a student’s willingness, need, desire and compulsion to participate in, and be successful in, the learning process” (Fager & Brewster, 2004) Strategies to Improve: Capitalize on Student Needs (Davis, 1993) Give Clear and Consistent Expectations, and Directions on Assignments (Fager & Brewster, 2004)
Role of Homework Student achievement rises greatly when homework is assigned regularly Good study habits Self Discipline Responsibility (Paulu, 2004)
Proposal: Students and Teachers will benefit from the Chapter Checklist Benefits For Students Increase student motivation to do homework Better homework average Better organization Better test scores Better overall class grade Less confusion about missed work Benefits for Teachers Less grades for teacher to keep up with Less confusion on missing work/ makeup work
Methods Chapter Checklist given out on test day for previous chapter Homework is checked daily Student has homework = 100 Student has no homework = 0 Student turns in homework assignment after due date = 50 Grade is figured on test day # of assignments complete/ # of assignments total
Example Assignment Due Date Done Grade Terms Ch. 8 3/18 Chapter 8-10 Checklist Assignment Due Date Done Grade Terms Ch. 8 3/18 Long. & Lat. Wkst Pg. 278 & 268 3/21 Pg. 320 MC 1-8, T/F 1-7, Con. Mast. 1-6 3/22 Stress & Faulting Wkst Pg. 344 MC 1-9, T/F 1-7, Con. Mast. 1-7 3/23 Quiz Test 3/24 Example
Results √ Proposed Benefits for Students Evident or Not Evident Homework Averages Improved √ Test Scores Improved X Overall Class Grade Improved Better Organization Proposed Benefits for Teachers Evident or Not Evident Less Grades to keep up with √ Less Confusion with missed work
Conclusion Limitations to Study Students felt Chapter Checklist help them stay organized and on top of their homework assignments. Teacher felt the Chapter Checklist simplified homework & made make up work much simpler. Useful for lower level students. Above average students did not need the extra help with organization, and motivation to do homework assignments. Most useful in bringing up homework averages. Did not improve test averages. Students lack study skills to improve test grades. Did not improve overall average. Not equal amounts of grades for each ave., before and after Future Recommendations Will use this strategy again Devise a way to incorporate improving study skills into the checklist to help improve test averages. Limitations to Study Small sample size Only one class of 22 students More school weeks after checklist implementation More accurate representation if equal amounts of material covered before and after