Benefits of Study Groups & Characteristics of Successful Groups Starting a Study Group & Characteristics of Successful Groups
The Benefits of a Study Group A study group can help to “pick you up” when you find that your motivation to study is slipping. The other members can be seen as a source of encouragement.
Benefits of Study Groups You may be reluctant to ask a question in class and may find it easier to ask it in a small group setting.
Benefits of Study Groups Working with a group may help you to feel more like you want to succeed so that you don’t let the group down.
Benefits of Study Groups Group members will listen and discuss information and concepts during study sessions. This helps to strengthen auditory learning which is a key teaching style in most classrooms.
Benefits of Study Groups One or more group members are likely to understand something you do not. This may bring up ideas you never considered before.
Benefits of a Study Group You can learn valuable new study habits from other members in the group.
Benefits of Study Groups You can compare your notes with those of the other group members and fill in any gaps.
Benefits of Study Groups Teaching/explaining information and concepts to the other group members will help you reinforce mastery of the information and concepts.
Benefits of Study Groups Let’s face it—studying can be boring. Interacting with other group members can make studying enjoyable.
Getting a Study Group Started Study groups don’t just happen Look around your classes to find… Students who are motivated to do well Students who understand the subject matter Student who are dependable Students who are open minded Students who you would like to work with
Starting a Study Group A good size group will have three to five members.
Starting a Study Group Decide how often and how long you will meet 2-3 times a week may be best Be sure to include times for breaks 60-90 minute sessions are best
Starting a Study Group Decide when and where you will meet A classroom free of distractions A study room in the library
Starting a Study Group Decide on the GOALS of the group Comparing and updating notes Discussing readings Preparing for exams
Starting a Study Group Decide who the leader will be for the first meeting Decide whether it will be the same leader or a rotating leader The leader will be responsible for meeting goals of that study session
Starting a Study Group Clearly set an agenda for the first study session Set the responsibilities for each of the members of the group
Characteristics of Successful Study Groups Each group member contributes Active listening is a key component Group members work together to solve issues Group members are prompt and ready to work
Characteristics of Successful Study Groups The group stays on task in reference to their agenda Group members show respect for each other Constructive criticism is the only criticism Group members feel free to ask one another questions Agendas are set for the next study session Above all, the positive attitude of “We can do this together” is maintained
How to combat taking a test Studying for Tests How to combat taking a test
Before the test… Find out the following information What material will be covered What type of test it will be (m/c, t/f, short essay, etc) How the test will be graded How much the test will count
Before the test… Study in a place free from distractions Study at a time when you are alert and not hungry Study short sessions for several days instead of one long study session the night before Set a goal for each study period
Before the test…. Repetition is key…read and re-read your class notes and relevant chapters Summarize your notes out loud Create your own study aids Flashcards Outlines Timelines Your own quiz
During the test… Read the instructions carefully Read the entire test through before starting Answer the easiest questions first Leave the most time for questions with highest point value or that require a lot of writing Leave time to check over your work Write clearly
After the test… When the test is returned, read the teacher’s comments and try to learn from your mistakes Save tests for later review and end-of-term tests