POSSIBLE RESOURCES board games books/ posters lesson packages prototypes discussion forums interviewsrecipes comics / illustrations online games/ phone apps
RUBRIC FOR PRELIM JUDGING 2014 Cat 4 Prelim Rubric 2014 Cat 4 Prelim Rubric
POTENTIAL OF PROJECT objectives target audience research creativity usefulness methodology
OBJECTIVESOBJECTIVES specificrelevantfocused
ADVICE ON TOPIC Narrow your topic – make it specific Focus – a particular aspect, a particular time period, a particular place etc Ensure that your objectives are in alignment with your topic
An example GENERAL TOPIC Problem Gambling Limit topic based on guidelines -Narrowing down based on aspects of topic: Prevention & Intervention SPECIFIC TOPIC Prevention and Intervention Strategies to Tackle Problem of Gambling
TARGET AUDIENCE Ensure that your audience is appropriately identified
ADVICE ON TARGET AUDIENCE specific Be as specific as you can An example Topic : Gambling Target Audience Target Audience : All Singaporeans Advice Advice : better to identify a particular age group / income group / gender etc Improved Improved : retired Singaporeans in their sixties
RESEARCH To ascertain feasibility of project NEEDS ANALYSIS -Interviews -Surveys / Questionnaires -Straw polls -Focus groups -Observation READINGS & REVIEWS -Related literature on topic / methodology -Review existing resources/projects
CREATIVITY Have similar resource packages been created? ORIGINAL AUTHENTIC Make sure your resource package ideas are ORIGINAL & AUTHENTIC How does the resource package differ or stand out from existing ones?
USEFULNESS Suitability of resources for use by target audience Potential impact of project Feasibility of actual implementation Possible tie-ups with organizations / authorities
METHODOLOGY Is there evidence of background research done? Is there any justification for chosen target audience? Does the methodology include research processes that validate the usefulness of the resource package built?
METHODOLOGY Has thought been put into building a resource package that is User- friendly Well- organized Easy to navigate Coherent with the objectives
METHODOLOGY incorporate a variety of techniques Research methods Timeframe for completion of whole project from prelims to finals Timeline
ADVICE Do not build a collection of websites originality functionality Consider the originality & functionality of resources
ORAL PRESENTATION SPEECH DELIVERY clear & engaging AUDIENCE AWARENESS & CONFIDENCE confident presenters who can engage audience COHERENCE & ORGANISATION well- organised data and content RESPONSE TO QUESTIONS Questions are well- answered and clarified
ADVICE Be enthusiastic about your project Use different presentation tools / styles to spice up presentation Ensure that presentation slides are readable - big font size, apt choice of colours Time management Practice – rehearse & rehearse & rehearse All members of the group must be prepared to present
ADVICE 1 ST SLIDE OF PRESENTATION SHOULD CONTAIN Title and No. of Project Names of Members