Specific audience that advertisers are hoping to reach.
A writer of each text tries to interest a certain group of people, or audience. This is known as the who you think it is trying to attract! When looking at a media text, it is important to talk about who you think it is trying to attract! For Example: Boys or girls Children or adults Children or adults People interested in different things. People interested in different things.
Look at the following advertisements and discuss how/if the target audience changes. Think about: What target audience would this advert attract ? Why? What interest would the viewer have? Where about would you see this type of advertising and when? What is the message portrayed within the advertisement?
Suggest a caption for the picture from the viewpoint of each of the following people. Farmer Wildlife Conservationist Japanese Tourist Car Insurance Executive.
Identify the target audience, what devices contribute to the representation of this audience? In this advertisement, the product is in the foreground and the male model fills most of the frame. What is your eye initially drawn to? Why do you think this is the case? Look closely at the language used in the ad. Who is the target audience? What techniques are being used to appeal to this particular target audience?
Step One Step One: Identify your Target Audience and Purpose of your ad. Step Two Step Two: Identify a message that your ad is portraying. Step Three Step Three: Create your ad, using visual and language devices to demonstrate your purpose, message, and target audience. Step Three Step Three: Deconstruct and rate a partners ad.