LIFE LAW #1 You Either Get It, Or You Don’t By: Ms. Welch AVID 4 Period 2
WHY IS THAT? Some students with the same ACT score have completely different grade point averages (GPAs)?? Why is it that Robert has been able to succeed despite growing up with an abusive step-father? Why is William, who comes from a prominent and wealthy family, is a total loser who is thinking about dropping out of high school?
THE SUCCESSFUL STUDENTS… Have pulled their heads out of the clouds and decided to learn how the world works They don’t stew over their problems They don’t look for excuses Instead they accumulate certain information, put together a plan, and apply the right skills THEY “GET IT”
THINK AND WRITE SESSION #1 Describe a time when you “got it”. How did you feel? Describe a time when you didn’t “get it” How did you feel? What did you learn from that situation?
WORKING THE SYSTEM Think of 5 people you know who are successful. What do they do to “get it”? The reason these people “get it” is because they refuse to choose behaviors that they know will put them at a disadvantage with the rules of the world
To achieve any of your goals, you have to figure out the best way to do it Determine the rules you must follow and the roles you must play For example, you want to be a sports star in school There is a system you have to work to get there
THINK AND WRITE SESSION #2 You want to go to college. You and your parents do not have enough money to pay for all your tuition and you do not want to take out a lot of money in loans. Describe the rules you must follow to get “free money” to help you pay for college. List at least 3 rules. Be specific.
THOSE WHO DON’T GET IT… List 3 to 5 behaviors of people who don’t “get it” Try not to be one of those students who doesn’t “get it” Trust Jay McGraw and……….. Figure out a way to get along with your parents and teachers Have a diversity of friends (Don’t just stick to one clique) Get excited about things (Have hobbies and live with a passion to do things)
GETTING IT WITH OTHER PEOPLE Those who get it realize that they must interact with others Describe a time when you interacted positively with a classmate or co- worker.
WHAT MAKES EVERYONE TICK Even order to get along with others we must learn the common characteristics of all people Some examples 1. Everyone wears a mask 2. Everyone has bad days 3. Everyone approaches every situation asking “What’s in it for me?” 4. Everyone prefers to talk about things that are important to him or her 5. Everyone wants to be accepted 6. Everyone is afraid of rejection
ARE YOU READY TO GET IT? Your high school graduation is June 18, 2013 Only 5 Months away Congratulations! Whether you know it or not, you are already moving into the driver’s seat of life Using Life Law #1 will help you become one who “gets it”