Schools of Thought in Ancient China. Confucianism Collected in the Analects Focuses on the political and the ethical rather than spiritual Emphasis.


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Presentation transcript:

Schools of Thought in Ancient China

Confucianism Collected in the Analects Focuses on the political and the ethical rather than spiritual Emphasis on duty and Five Constant Relationship Call for humanity, compassion, and empathy Advocacy of rule by merit, not by noble birth

Analects Confucius traveled around China in the attempt to spread his ideas and persuade political leaders to follow them His followers revered him as a great teacher and recorded his sayings in the Analects

Political & Ethical over Spiritual He believed that it was useless to speculate on spiritual questions Wanted order in the universe If humans would act in harmony with the universe, their own affairs would prosper

Five Constant Relationship Parent and child Husband and wife Older sibling and younger sibling Older friend younger friend Ruler and subject Each person had a duty to the other

Humanity, Compassion, & Empathy “What you do not wish done to yourself, do not do to others” Kindness to others

Merit > Noble Birth Government service should be open to all men of superior talent Aristocrats who held political officials based on their noble birth disagreed with Confucius

Daoism History- System of ideas developed around the teaching of Laozi around 5 th or 6 th century BC Fundamental idea of Daoism sets forth proper forms of human behavior Daoist's believe that the way to follow the will of Heaven is not through action but inaction. Live with the universal order don’t change it

Legalism Legalism proposed that human beings were evil by nature. “School of Law” Fundamental idea of Legalism was to have for a system of impersonal laws Harsh laws and stiff punishment would cause the common people to serve the interest of the ruler