-Land Increasingly scarce -More affordable land only available on the peripheries of towns and cities -Poor location -Leads to continues urban sprawl -Increased bulk infrastructure and operational costs -Roads and transport, sanitation, electricity, municipal services costly -Limited provision of social and economic amenities -Increases marginalization of the poor Land Availability
-Access to urban land needed -Good location -Higher densities -Closer to economic opportunities and services -Cost of transport more affordable (shorter distances) -Development in balance with the carrying capacity of the natural systems Land Availability
Land Use Patterns
Urban Sprawl
Increased Densities
Higher Density Development
SCHOOL FIELD SCHOOL 3 STOREY COURTYARD HOUSING ROW HOUSING High Street courtyards ECD/ Community Courtyards Street Courtyards Sustainable Human Settlements
Social Rental Housing: - Caters for gross household income between R1500 and R Developed in well-located areas addressing spatial, social and economic integration (Restructuring Zones) - Rental rates between 25% and 30% of household income - Managed by a Accredited Institutions - 3 Funding Streams * National Funding (Restructuring Capital Grant) * Provincial/Municipal funding (Institutional Subsidy) * Donor / Loan Funding (NHFC; DIGH) Rental Housing
Rental Housing Options Community Residential Units - Caters for gross household income between R800 and R3500 per month - Used for refurbishment of provincial/municipal rental housing stock (Old Hostels Programme) - Development of new stock - Only provincial/municipal funding - Rental only (no option for purchase) Institutional Subsidy - Rent-to-buy option - 4 year rental - Managed by an institution
What is a Title Deed? It is the evidence that a person is the legal owner of a property. Addressing the matter of Title Deeds -Study to determine why transfer of properties are delayed. -Since 1994 housing opportunities were created for families families has received ownership (title deeds) families – registration of properties still outstanding. Title Deeds
Reasons for Delay of Transfer -Outstanding registration of General Plans and/or Township registration at the Deeds Office Benefits of Title Deeds -Legal ownership of property -Secure tenure -Access to loans for home improvements -Can become inheritance of the children/family/selected beneficiary Title Deeds