Classroom Management Plan for Technology by Brenda Pendergrass
Student Access to Computers Students are not allowed on computers during lecture unless given permission to look up a question from the class discussion. Students will be scheduled a 15 minute time to use the computer alone each week. Schedule is posted by the computers. Each student will have a 30 minute time to period to work with a partner at the computer each week. Student must obey all computer rules that have been mentioned in class and ones posted in the room.
Computer Sharing Students must share who uses the mouse when the computer is being shared. You must take turns. Both students must complete the assignment and each must turn in a paper. All game sites must be on the approved game list. Students must stay on the assignment while at the computer. If you have finished the assignment, you must get permission to get on another site. Students must obey all computer rules that have been mentioned in class and the ones posted.
Placement of Technology (See diagram on next page) Student desks are placed in the center of the room so the students are in a central location of technology in the classroom. Computers are placed in a general location so they can be easily connected and easily accessed by the students. Teacher ’ s desk is placed so that she can monitor the class and also monitor the activities at the computers. Computer clickers and the microscope magnifier are placed so the students have easy access and the teacher can monitor the items. LCD projector is placed in front of the students so they can easily see what is being done on the projector.
Student Desk Teacher’s Desk computer Microscope magnifier computer clickers LCD Projector computer