Презентация урока. Тема: «Еда» Учитель: Мочалкина Елена Владимировна МОУ «СОШ» №1 Магнитогорск 2010
Topic: “Food” Objectives of the lesson. 1.Listening: poem “Breakfast” 2. Reading : riddles about animals 3. Speaking: describing pictures 4. Writing: unscramble the word
EA / \ < i: > < e > read bread please breakfast meat head tea ready clean healthy
Breakfast. Get up, little Freddy. Breakfast is ready; Butter and cheese, All that you please. Milk and bread For little Fred. Tea and jam For brother Sam.
It likes cabbage and carrots. It is big and strong. It is grey. It likes to help its friends. It lives in Africa.
It has many friends. They are boys and girls. It likes to play and run. It lives in a house. It is very funny.
It is clever and funny. It can jump and skip. But it cannot speak. It lives in a tree. It likes bananas.
It is not long or big. But it is very strong and cunning. It can run and jump. It cannot speak or sing. It likes meat.
Can you run like a leopard?
Can you catch like a cat ?
Can you dance like an elephant ?
Can you fly like a bird ?
What does it like to eat?
What does it like to eat?
What does it like to eat?
What does it like to eat?
Guess the word! oacrtr eceseh eecffo shfi cbbaage ncor sndwchai
carrot cheese coffee fish cabbage corn sandwich Let’s check! carrot cheese coffee fish cabbage corn sandwich
Кто из сказочных героев больше всех любит ходить в гости?
Help yourself !
Add the missing letters. l_mon b_nana ca_bage t_a co_fee carr_t f_sh hone_ so_p co_n
Summing up. Давайте вспомним, что мы сегодня повторили и закрепили
Homework Составьте кроссворд по теме «Еда».
Thank you for cooperation!