Lindsey Webb, Director of Nursing and Governance
Our vision: To be the first choice for orthopaedic services for patients, carers and commissioners
The Fortunes of Leading Brands
National drivers Quality, Innovation, Productivity and Prevention (QIPP) Commissioning for Quality and Innovation (CQUINs) National contract Quality Accounts High Impact Interventions Essence of Care Safety Thermometer Energise for Excellence
Local drivers Organisational strategy and ambition Needs of the population Feedback from patients, carers and the public Patient safety issues Clinical outcomes Risks
External challenges
Internal challenges
Leadership Team Culture Evidence Assurance Triangulation Developing a quality service
Don’t just rely on the numbers Be mindful of hitting the target and missing the point! How does it look/feel? What story is it telling you? Consider the ‘so what’ factor Share and communicate Engage with staff – formally/informally Celebrate success Challenge complacency Remember - it can always be better Lessons learnt
Catheter associated urinary tract infections
On average every incidence of HA-UTI incurs an additional cost of £1, 563 per patient and blocks a bed for an extra 6 days Plowman et al % of patients are catheterised Cited in epic guidelines, % ROHFT Incidence CAUTI 7.3% hospitalised patients Plowman R et al % ROHFT CAUTI Problem…
Cost of additional nurse care£ Cost of microbiology£10.60 Cost of additional antimicrobials£4.71 Additional length of stay costs£ Additional consumables£82.45 Other additional costs (Plowman model) £ Cost of one CAUTI £1,563 each At a CAUTI rate of 32% total annual cost: £185,997
Strategy … Aseptic Non-Touch Technique Chain of Prevention Trial silver catheters
Bone Infection Unit
If you think you’re too small to make a difference you’ve obviously never been in a room with a mosquito!!!