“Brother Saul, the Lord…has sent me so that you may see again and be filled with the Holy Spirit” (Acts 9:17).
Philip’s Ministry: Samaria Resulted from the stoning of Stephen (8:1) Two powers at work Simon Magus, the “Great Power” Philip, proclaiming the Messiah The Samaritans believed & were baptized
Philip’s Ministry: Samaria (p.2) Peter and John come down from Jerusalem To supervise? To authorize? The gift of the Spirit Simon’s request Compare w/ Ananias Peter recognizes the “bitter poison” in him (Deuteronomy 29:18) Peter & John return, preaching thru Samaria
Philip’s Ministry: The Ethiopian Philip (directed by an angel, led by the Spirit) encounters an Ethiopian official Leads him in reading Isaiah 53 Tells him the good news about Jesus “What prevents me from being baptized?” He is…& leaves w/ joy Philip is taken away
The Conversion of Paul Paul continues his rabid attacks Cleanses Jerusalem? Leaves for Damascus Damascus road experience! “Why do you persecute me? “Who are you?” Blinded by the light Philippians 3:12 2 Corinthians 4:6
The Conversion of Paul (p. 2) Restoration through a “double vision” To Ananias: “Go!” To Saul: “Wait for restored sight” Saul sees…is baptized…and eats Saul begins to preach In Damascus… In Jerusalem… The church enters into a time of Peace Consolidation Encouragement Growth Holy reverence