Nutrients: gives us energy or helps us form new compounds Food= gives us energy 3 main types of foods - Carbs, Proteins, Lipids (Fats)
A. Types Simple = Sugars (Mono or Di Saccharides) Refined (Processed) Broken Down Easily (and quickly) by the body Ex= sugar, candy, soda, Complex = Starches (Polysaccharides) Long chains of Monosaccharides Glycogen- stored in liver and muscles If too much glycogen is present, the body stores the excess as fat. * Cellulose- starches that your body can’t digest. (Fiber)
Lipids- glycerols and fatty acids are the building blocks A. Saturated- solid at room temperature Animal fats, Crisco, Butter, Milk, Cheese etc. B. Unsaturated- liquids at room temperature (veg. oils/derived from plants.
Lipids contain 2x the amount of energy/calories as Carbohydrates but are not considered a good source of Energy…..Why?
Lipids contain cholesterol that can lead to heart disease etc. They are much harder for your body to break down.
Proteins are long chains of Amino Acids Proteins are essential for growth and repair, but are not used by the body for energy that often (our bodies prefer carbohydrates). 20 known Amino Acids We make 11 We need to eat the other 9 (ESSENTIAL AA)
Complete proteins (containing the 9 essential Amino Acids) come from other animals (chicken, pork, alligator etc) Incomplete proteins (missing at least 1 essential amino acid) can be derived from plants. Vegetarians need to eat multiple sources of nuts, veggies, etc. in order to consume the 9 essential AA’s.
Vitamins (A, B12, C etc.)- needed by the body in small amounts (more is not always better) Can be consumed if you are eating a “healthy” diet that includes fruits, vegetables etc. A- night vision and healthy skin B12- increased energy, DNA synthesis C- Antioxidant, connective tissue repair E- Antioxidant, fertility and reproduction, red blood cell formation etc.
Iron, Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium etc.- Needed for metabolic process all over the body. Iron - production of hemoglobin Calcium - bones and teeth, functioning of muscles and nerves Magnesium - Formation of bones and teeth, cellular metabolism and production of energy Potassium - needed for muscle growth, transmission of nerve impulses, heart activity etc.
60-80% of entire body- ** all chemical reactions in the body take place in water.