What is nutrition? Macronutrients Micronutrients Calories
It is the science behind how your body uses the components of food to grow, maintain and repair itself. Your body needs more than 50 nutrients on a daily basis in order to function properly The 50 nutrients belong to one of 6 general categories: Carbohydrates, Fat, Protein, Minerals, Vitamins and Water.
Main supply of energy – up to 50% 4 calories (energy) in each gram of CHO Come in 3 basic forms: 1. Simple and Refined Carbs 2. Complex Carbs 3. Fibre Using text pgs make notes on the above.
All CHO are broken down into simple sugars (glucose) Excess CHO intake can lead to high blood sugar this could lead to hypertension, atherosclerosis and heart disease
Very large molecules made of amino acids (AA) 22 AA 9 cannot be synthesized by the body – called essential, and MUST be consumed through food 4 calories (energy) in each gram of PRO
Ideal intake of PRO is 0.8g/kg of body weight Essential to growth and repair of muscle and other body tissues Using text pgs add to these points, including high and low quality protein sources
Fats fuel you with the most amount of energy – 9 calories in each gram of fat They help your body grow and keep your skin looking healthy Excess amounts will increase cholesterol leading to obesity, heart disease, diabetes and even cancer