Nathan Baker
“A Habitual disturbance in eating behavior characterized by frequent episodes of grossly excessive food intake followed by self-induced vomiting to avert weight gain”
Eating gross amounts of high calorie food. Self-induced vomiting Excessive exercise Abuse of laxatives Extreme Gingivitis Corroded or pitted enamel
Dry mouth or complaints of dehydration Broken blood vessels in the eyes Cuts or calluses across the finger joints Constipation Infertility
Dramatic weight fluctuations Swollen salivary glands Peptic ulcers
Can cause the following: Anorexia Major Depression Physical withdrawal symptoms
Support groups Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) Nutritional therapy Forbidden Food Antidepressants
Sarah, an 18 year old college student, contracted Bulimia. Later getting married and having twin girls. Now at the age of 27 is fighting Bulimia and Major Depression, but is winning, as she if fond of pointing out.
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