Event 8: The Old Lady スタート Start
ばあちゃんの質問に答えましょう ( Answer Baachan’s questions ) When the user clicks the help button, this instruction will appear in the text box. スピーカーをクリックしてばあ ちゃんの質問を聞いてくださ い。ピーとなったら答えてく ださい。 Click the speaker button to listen to Baachan’s question. Wait for a beep and answer. The user can click the “?” (help button) to get instructions The user can click this arrow icon to go to the park to practice target grammar/learning strategies. 練習 practice
公園 (Park) Practice: Reporting The user can click this arrow icon to go back to Baachan’s place after practice. speakinglisteningreadingwriting ばあちゃんへ To Baachan
質問しましょう。 (Ask questions) 1. 名前はなんですか ? 2. お仕事は何をされていますか ? 3. お若いころは何をされていましたか ? 4. 何があったんですか ? 5. じっちゃんとはどういう関係なんですか ? Etc. Help instruction: Ask Baachan some question by clicking the speaker button and saying one of the questions at loud. The user can click this arrow icon to go to the park to practice target grammar/learning strategies. 練習 practice
公園 (Park) Practice: Listening to old people Japan Asking/listening to sensitive subjects. Target Culture/Learning strategies will be explained here (by Kenji?) The user can practice learning strategies. (listening) The user can check comprehension by taking a multiple choice quiz about Baachan based on her response. See notes for sample questions. The user can click this arrow icon to go back to Baachan’s practice after practice. ばあちゃんへ To Baachan