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This mini grammar quiz is made to help you review some of the material we have covered over the course of the school year. In order to use this quiz correctly, you will need to follow the directions listed below. Good luck and enjoy! 1.) Answer each question by clicking the correct multiple choice answer. 2.) After you click the best choice, a slide will appear indicating if you have answered the question correctly. 3.) If you do not answer the question correctly, you will then return to the question and try again. YOU MUST CLICK THE RETURN ARROW TO CORRECTLY NAVIGATE BACK TO THE QUESTION. 4.) If you do answer correctly, you must return to the question by clicking the arrow and proceed by clicking the “next” button to navigate to the following question. 5.) You will notice a “help” button located at the bottom right of some of the slides which will take you to some helpful content if you feel you need to refresh your memory. Again, you must return to the question by using the arrows on the screen. 6.) On the bottom right of this page you will see an arrow that will take you to a menu page where all of the content has been conveniently located. You may return to this menu at any point throughout the quiz if you wish to do so. 7.) Now proceed to the menu by clicking the menu button at the bottom right. Then, press start at the bottom of the menu page to begin your quiz.
Question 1 Find the adjective(s) in the following sentence. I need a soft and silky yarn to make her dress. a. need b. soft c. Soft & silky d. dress Next Help! Menu
Click return to try again Return to question
Question 2 Identify the Adjective in the following sentence by choosing the correct word. 1.) Sara makes delicious brownies.makes delicious brownies. Next Help! Menu
Click next to return to question. Then, click next again to proceed. Next
Question 3 Choose the adverb in the following sentence: He is very handsome. a. hehe b. very c. handsome d. none of the above. none of the above Next Help!
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Return to question 3
Question 4 Choose the correct sentence a. "You must understand," he pleaded, "That I need more time to pay you." b. "You must understand," he pleaded, "that I need more time to pay you." c. "you must understand," he pleaded, "that I need more time to pay you.“ d. "you must understand," he pleaded, "that i need more time to pay you Next Help!
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Question 7 What is the interjection in the sentence below? Awesome! I love this show. a. awesomeawesome b. love c. show d. this Next Help!
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Question 8 My ________ birthday is next week. A: brother's B: brothers' Next
Question 9 Find the noun of the SUBJECT and the verb of the PREDICATE in the following sentence. "The spotted frog jumped over the pond.“ a. spotted and over b. frog and pond c. spotted and jumped d. frog and jumped Next
Question 10 What is missing in this sentence? The kind lady in the green dress. a. Subject b. Predicate The End Back to main menu Source Page
Driscoll, D., & Brizee, A. (2014). Welcome to the Purdue OWL. Retrieved from Adjectives Schoolhouse Rock. (2012). Retrieved from Interjections Schoolhouse Rock. (2012). Retrieved from John Lequizamo - "Quotes" Music Video (The Electric Company). (2010). Retrieved from LocalSchoolDirectory.com. (2005). Correcting Run-On Sentences. Retrieved from Lolly, Lolly, Lolly, Get Your Adverbs Here SchoolHouse Rock. (2012). Retrieved from Sentences, Run-Ons, and Fragments. (2014). Retrieved from SoftSchools ( ). Grammar : Possessive Nouns Quiz. Retrieved from Tribrio, Inc. ( ). Interjections Tests and Worksheets - All Grades. Retrieved from Menu