Get your GUM book from the counter
Tu rn to pg. 19 in the GUM book Predicate nouns and predicate adjectives. C omplete #s 1-9 by labeling the: subject (s) linking verb (V) and bold type PN for predicate noun or PA for predicate adjective.
1. First developed in 1045, movable type was a Chinese invention.
2. The inventor was Bi Sheng.
4. Chinese characters were too numerous.
5. Movable type was more useful in Europe.
6. Before the development of movable type, most European books were handmade copies of manuscripts.
7. Scribes were the experienced writers of these books.
8. Handwritten books were unique works of art.
9. The pages were beautiful with elaborate decorations in the margins.
Today we will continue with Part 2 of Tangerine. One again you will just need your packet, pencil and highlighter NOT the chromebook!!! In order to refresh your memory, we will review part 1 by going over the quiz and then reviewing the signposts.
Reading Signposts Contrasts and Contradictions Aha Moments Again and Again Tough Questions Words of the Wiser Memory Moment
Contrasts and contradictions A point in a story at which a character's actions or thoughts clearly contradict previous patterns the reader would normally expect, suggesting a change or offering new insight into the character. Anchor question: Why is the character doing that?
Aha Moments Moments when a character's sudden insight or understanding helps us understand the plot's movement, the development of character, or the internal conflict he faces. Anchor question: How might this change things?
Again and again An image, word or situation that is repeated, leading the reader to wonder about its significance. These repetitions may often be symbols. Anchor question: Why does this keep showing up over and over?
Tough questions The point when the main character pauses to ask, of himself or a trusted other, tough questions. Anchor question: What does this question make me wonder about?
Words of the wiser The scene in which a wiser, and often older, character offers a life lesson or some sort to the main character. Anchor question: What's the life lesson and how might it affect the character?
Memory moments A scene that interrupts the flow of the story and reveals something important about the character, plot or theme. Anchor question: Why might this memory be important?
What does it mean to annotate a text?
to add explanatory notes to or supply with critical comments. When you annotate, you write critical explanations to add extra insight about something.
You will need to pick up the pages of your packet. If you lose this, you will NOT get another one! Remember to answer all questions thoroughly!
Pacing guide Mo nday - Sept 18-Sept 20 Tuesday - Sept 22-Sept 29 Wednesday - Oct 2-Oct 5 Thursday - Nov 2-Nov 10 Friday - GRAMMAR QUIZ, BOOK FAIR AND LIBRARY CHECKOUT Monday - QUIZ ON PART 2 by this should be finished reading and completing packet for these
T oday we will continue with chapters of I Am the Cheese. One again you will just need your packet, pencil and highlighter NOT the chromebook!!! In order to refresh your memory, we will review chapters 1-13 by going over the quiz and reviewing the signpost strategies.
You will need to pick up the pages of your packet. If you lose this, you will NOT get another one! Get an blank sheet of computer paper and create your own chart for chapter Remember that your responses to quotes should not merely restate the obvious, but rather add your own evaluation of it. What impact does this quote have on you, the plot or theme of the book? Quote Reflection
Pacing guide Mo nday - chapters Tuesday - chapters Wednesday - chapters Thursday - chapters Friday - QUIZ ON CHAPTER 14-24, GRAMMAR QUIZ, BOOK FAIR AND LIBRARY CHECKOUT by this should be finished reading and completing packet for these chapters
3. The type of printing was not practical in China at the time, however.