End of Y2 Expectations 23 rd November 2015 Emma Fitzpatrick
The New National Curriculum Introduced in September 2013 for Years One, Three, Four and Five. This is the first year of the new curriculum for Years Two and Six and they will have to sit the new adapted National Assessments at the end of the year, in May. The expectations have been raised and are now much higher.
Making Progress ReceptionYear OneYear Two emerging developing metsecure exceedingsecure +
National Expectations 85% of children should meet the expectations for the year in May. 5 children in each class may not meet the expectations.
Evidence We need to ‘Teacher Assess’ the children throughout the year and decide which level they are working at. You will be informed of this at Parent’s Consultation. This assessment is done through working with the children during group work, whole class teaching and with individuals. As we teach children, we assess what they can do…that is our job!
Statutory Assessments At the end of the year your child will be required to sit some statutory assessments. (may be called SATs) The tests will be done in May. There will be a test for Reading (2 papers), Spelling, Grammar and Vocabulary and Maths (2 papers). ALL children will be expected to do ALL papers.
Reading – Two Papers Paper One Read the paragraph and answer the questions relating to that paragraph. Paper Two Read the whole text and answer in a separate booklet.
Spelling Tests knowledge of phonics…but much more than that… It tests children’s application of rules - spelling and grammatical. eg when to use double letters, when to use –ed and –ing, spelling patterns etc
Maths – Two Papers Arithmetic Number sentences… + - x ÷ = Reasoning Word Problems, problem solving, thinking about properties of number, measure, time, data
Writing Is only assessed by Teacher Assessment this year.
How You Can Help at Home… Reading with your child daily and asking them questions about the text.