CTI 99 Peter Chalk1 7th Annual Conference on the Teaching of Computing Survey of Webworlds for Software Engineering Education by Peter Chalk School of Computing, South Bank University (
CTI 99 Peter Chalk2 Introduction zWebworld? (Papert’s microworld: “Environment for active learning”) zAnimations, simulations, tools zExploratory & expressive modelling zHow is the Web different? Access! zTake-up of CAL improved? (Laurillard: “Not invented here syndrome”)
CTI 99 Peter Chalk3 Performance & order: Sort algorithm animator (& builder)
CTI 99 Peter Chalk4 Comparative performance: Sort Algorithm Animations
CTI 99 Peter Chalk5 CASE tools & diagram model: JSP Editor & code generator
CTI 99 Peter Chalk6 Diagramming tool: Java Flowgraph Editor
CTI 99 Peter Chalk7 Modelling tool (“content-free”): Watson Lab Spreadsheet
CTI 99 Peter Chalk8 Graphical animator: JAWAA & flowgraphs
CTI 99 Peter Chalk9 Interactive visualisation: Algorithm analysis & checking
CTI 99 Peter Chalk10 Simulation: Testing & fault finding
CTI 99 Peter Chalk11 Model testing: Program emulator
CTI 99 Peter Chalk12 Claims for Learning zAn alternative view zAid to debugging, design etc zLearn-by-example zHolistic view zHands-on experimentation zComparison of results zTesting models, measuring performance
CTI 99 Peter Chalk13 What next? zIdentify & produce Webworlds zPrepare taught units & integrate into teaching and assessment zHypertextbooks & repositories zClarify learning issues and research methodology (social constructivism; scaffolding - ethnographic)
CTI 99 Peter Chalk14 Conclusions zCAL will be delivered by web zStudents will become familiar with use zTeachers will have to integrate it zWebworlds will need identifying zFlexible teaching will incorporate them zLearning will improve for some