SCI-BUS is supported by the FP7 Capacities Programme under contract nr RI Accessing Cloud Systems from WS-PGRADE/gUSE Zoltán Farkas MTA SZTAKI LPDS
Outline Aim of this presentation Generic portal administrator tasks Generic initial user tasks SaaS execution mode: – Portal administrator tasks – Workflow node configuration IaaS execution mode: – Portal administrator tasks – Workflow node configuration Generic user tasks (workflow cost estimate, submission, cost display) Security aspects, using robot certificates
Aim To show what are the necessary setup tasks on the portal side to cloud-enable a portal To show how the extension can be used To introduce the security aspects of using clouds in the portal
Covered portal user roles Portal administrator – The one who is able to configure the portal services Workflow developer – The one who is able to create and run workflows End user – The one who is able to use existing workflows
Generic portal admin tasks I. Through the DCI Bridge Admin interface:
Generic portal admin tasks II. Settings: – Enable plugin: set to „Enabled” – Number of threads: the plugin will manage at most so many jobs in parallel – Number of resubmissions: the plugin will resubmit a failed job at most so many times Leave other settings unchanged
Generic portal admin tasks III. Add access to CloudBroker Platform service – Name: users will see the resource using this name – URL: URL of the CBP service – Own executable: see IaaS execution mode later
Status The portal administrator has enabled the CloudBroker plugin in the DCI Bridge, and all the CloudBroker services that users would like to use have been added These are set by default: CB plugin is enabled, Public and SCI-BUS CB services are added
Generic initial user tasks If one would like to configure CBP jobs, proper CBP user credentials have to be set Make use of the Security / CloudBroker portlet
Saas and IaaS execution modes IaaS modelSaaS model Enables users to run their own executablesYesNo What has to be pre-deployed in the virtual machine image A single wrapper applicationEvery application that users would like to use What has to be configured in the CloudBroker Platform Only the wrapper applicationApplications for the different application Level of securityLow: user can run anythingHigh: users can run only pre-registered, tested apps Ease of use (user’s perspective)Easy: very similar to existing WS- PGRADE/gUSE interface Easy: user simply selects from the pre- defined Software Ease of use (portal administrator’s perspective) Easy: only two additional properties have to be set Very easy: no need to set additional properties Ease of use (CloudBroker administrator’s perspective) Easy: only one application has to be configured for each cloud resource Hard: a number of applications have to be configured Easy of use (cloud administrator’s perspective) Easy: only one VM image has to be deployedHard: either a number of VM images have to be deployed or one VM image must be updated a number of times.
SaaS execution – Overview Enables portal users to run applications registered in the selected CBP service (for example AutoDock 1.0 Software and Executable) Thus, no executable, only input files have to be provided by the portal user
SaaS execution „architecutre”
SaaS – Portal admin tasks Nothing special Only the generic portal admin tasks have to be performed (configure CBP service access in DCI Bridge)
SaaS – Workflow node configuration Set „Type” to „cloudbroker”, and „Name” to the CBP service to be used Afterwards, select Software, Executable, Resource, Region and Instance type for your job A cost estimate is displayed as well
SaaS – Data cost estimate Depending on the selected resource, the data fee is displayed as well
IaaS execution - Overview Enables to run executables uploaded by the user A specially prepared wrapper application has to be registered in the target CBP service (see Wrapper 1.0) This wrapper application must be configured the DCI Bridge plugin instance The portal will upload the user-provided executable as an input called „execute.bin” to the CloudBroker job, which will be started by the wrapper application
IaaS execution „architecture”
IaaS – Portal admin tasks The Software and Executable in the CBP enabling IaaS execution should be defined in the DCI Bridge Following Day 2’s hands-on these are: – Software: „Wrapper XY 1.0” – Executable: „Wrapper XY 1.0”
IaaS – Workflow node configuration Set „Type” to „cloudbroker”, and „Name” to the CBP service to be used Click „Enable own executable” Afterwards, select Software, Executable, Resource, Region and Instance type for your job A cost estimate is displayed as well (note: no cost is assigned to using the Resource below)
IaaS – Data cost estimate Depending on the selected resource, the data fee is displayed as well (note: no cost is assigned to using the Storage below)
Generic user tasks – Workflow cost estimate Once the workflow is fully configured, estimated cost can be calculated on-demand Simply click „Refresh” below the WF graph
Generic user tasks – Workflow submission Once the workflow is ready, click „Submit” to submit a workflow instance After the workflow has been submitted, you can check its progress as usual
Generic user tasks – Workflow cost display Cost of individual jobs can be checked Overall workflow cost can be checked as well
Security aspects CloudBroker entity (Resource, Software) visibility: – Private: only the user who defined the entity + admins can use it – Protected: users of the organization where the defining user belongs to + admins can use it – Public: every user of the CloudBroker Platform service can use it Robot certificates: – Can be assigned to CloudBroker jobs – Take care (EGI VO Portal Policy): Enable only for the SaaS model, or Enable for IaaS model, but do not allow the users to upload their executables