Growing Futures Integrated Permaculture System Guest House Motorcycle and tool shed Terraces trellised with passion Bed Room Bed Room Porch/Library Toilet Water Tanks Sink, Shelves Outdoor kitchen/Chill spot Pond! Earthship value adding Kitchen Cister n Rain Barrel Terrace/ Papaya Erosion Gully Passion Trellises over walkway Terrace for dancing and drying chicken food Trash pit Stairs Dwarf Mango, Clementine, Coconut, Chicken Forage Living Building for Resource center Grow aquaponic Rotate chicken tractor Annual Beds Chicken Houses Rainy Season Goat Pasture
Food Forest Coconuts upper story Clementine's, oranges, papaya, mangoes, bananas midstory Sweet potatoes, taro understory Bees Ponds Ponds will be placed where flooding occurs to lower water levels so plants don’t drown. $50 to dig 1 pond. Annual Beds
Passion Trellises Fence. This is a mix of bushes for the goats, fruit trees, moringa, and pole trees to make a living fence. Fruit trees, bananas, coconut