Stefan EDER, Austrian Road Safety Board Report to the EC on Priorities of CEDR Member States to Improve Road Safety Saving 25,000 Lives by The Commitment of European Road Directorates
Stefan EDER, Austrian Road Safety Board Why are we doing this? Europ. Commission – White Paper 2001 → Road Safety is a EU concern Goal: -50% fatalities in EU roads by 2010 Road Safety Action Programme: 60 measures to implement White Paper Feb – Mid-Term Review: -17.5% – good, but not good enough!
Stefan EDER, Austrian Road Safety Board The task Commissioner Barrot’s request: “What can the European Road Directorates do to increase the safety on European roads and to reach the 50% fatality reduction target until 2010?” → Preparation of 3 Questionnaires to be filled in by the 25 CEDR-Member countries
Stefan EDER, Austrian Road Safety Board The three Questionnaires Questionnaire 1: General Responsibilities of Road Directorates → points out the heterogeneity of Road Directorates’ responsibilities throughout Europe Questionnaire 2 (main part): Specific Responsibilities of Road Directorates → specific issues/measures
Stefan EDER, Austrian Road Safety Board The three Questionnaires Questionnaire 2 (cont’d): Where do the focal points lie? What is considered important? Which issues are urgent? Do any measures have a lower priority because they have already been implemented?
Stefan EDER, Austrian Road Safety Board The three Questionnaires Questionnaire 3: Institutional and Organisational Issues In-Depth information on Road Safety Work Current practices and future plans
Stefan EDER, Austrian Road Safety Board Who has answered so far? Despite the short notice: 17 out of 25 answers! Incomplete questionnaires: no problem, still possible to fill the gaps
Stefan EDER, Austrian Road Safety Board Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal: please provide data Finland: please don’t forget Questionnaire 2 Belgium: data from Flemish partners?
Stefan EDER, Austrian Road Safety Board Is it plausible? Some combinations of answers are less plausible than others:
Stefan EDER, Austrian Road Safety Board Is it plausible? In order to make results comparable → plausibility-check routine E.g.: all answers “yes” and “no” should add up to 100% Sometimes: questionnaires incomplete → no proper plausibility-check possible → false information Changes shown in following tables often sign of incompleteness or misunderstanding
Stefan EDER, Austrian Road Safety Board Item: “Is the issue dealt with in your country?”
Stefan EDER, Austrian Road Safety Board Item: “Is the issue under the main or shared responsibility of the Road Directorate?”
Stefan EDER, Austrian Road Safety Board Item: “Priority”
Stefan EDER, Austrian Road Safety Board Most promising measures Still awaiting data for this very important list from Germany, Luxembourg, Norway, Slovenia, Spain, and Sweden …and of course the countries who have not replied yet!
Stefan EDER, Austrian Road Safety Board Language issues Germany: questionnaires were returned in German – Report has to be in English; in order to avoid translation errors, please provide English version
Stefan EDER, Austrian Road Safety Board Lengthy answers Some answers in Questionnaire 2 very long To avoid distorting abridgements on our part and for the sake of the report’s readability, please keep to a limit of about 10 lines per answer
Stefan EDER, Austrian Road Safety Board Wish list Please return questionnaires quickly! Please edit filled-in questionnaires so that they are as complete as possible, contain “most promising measures” and concise answers (not exceeding 10 lines) Germany: please translate answers
Stefan EDER, Austrian Road Safety Board Deadlines Deadline for first submissions: 8th of May Last-changes final deadline: 19th of May
Stefan EDER, Austrian Road Safety Board For all questions regarding the Questionnaires please contact Stefan Eder Tel.: