Presented by: Vidya Nalla, Varun Karuturi, and William Toups
System Requirements Overview Data Flow Diagram Overview Structured Chart E-R Diagram Sample Forms and Reports
Customers should have the ability to make appointments using the website. The system should have the ability to keep a record of customer information such as name, address, billing, etc... The system should process work orders and send them electronically to technicians. Invoices should be sent to customers electronically upon completion of work and payment. The system should be able to produce reports for managers.
Customer (cust_id, cust_fname, cust_lname, cust_address, cust_city, cust_state, cust_zip, cust_phone, cust_ ) Work Order (wo_id, cust_id, tech_id, sch_id, wo_type, wo_date, wo_time, wo_notes, wo_cost) Technician (tech_id, tech_fname, tech_lname)