California On-Road In-Use Regulations
2 The new requirements from the California Air Resources Board (CARB) are intended to improve air quality by reducing particulate matter (PM) and oxides of nitrogen (NOx) emissions from older vehicles, by replacing older engines and upgrading to a 2010 engine or newer –Phase-in most PM requirements from –Phase-in NOx requirements from Overview of Regulation (Truck and Bus Regulation Reducing Emissions from Existing Diesel Vehicles fact sheet)
3 Vehicles affected On-road heavy duty diesel, dual fuel or alternative fuel vehicles with a gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) greater than 14,000 pounds that are registered to be driven on the highway or originally designed to be driven on public highways. Any person, business, school district, or federal government agency that owns, operates, leases or rents affected vehicles must comply,. including those out of state (Truck and Bus Regulation Reducing Emissions from Existing Diesel Vehicles fact sheet)
4 How will this affect fleets outside of California? Any in-state or out-of-state motor carrier, CA- based broker, or CA resident who hires or dispatches vehicles is subject to the regulation Need to make sure trucks from your fleet entering CA comply with the regulation
5 Vehicles not affected Vehicles already subject to a CARB fleet regulation: transit buses, solid waste collection vehicles, municipally owned vehicles, mobile cargo handling equipment, mobile off-road vehicles Military tactical support vehicles Authorized emergency vehicles Dedicated snow removal vehicles Two-engine cranes Motor homes for non-commercial private use Quick Reference Guide: Compliance Guide to CARB On-Road Truck and Bus Rule, Cummins West
6 Three options for compliance 1. Install PM retrofits and replace vehicles according to schedule based on existing engine model year 2. Retrofit a minimum number of engines each year with a high level PM exhaust retrofit and replace a minimum number of older engines with newer engines meeting 2010 new engine standards 3. Meet a fleet average; fleet operator can use PM and NOx emission factors established by regulation to calculate average emissions of the fleet CARB:Truck and Bus Regulation Reducing Emissions from Existing Diesel Vehicles
7 Option One: Best available control technology (BACT) Compliance Schedule BACT Compliance Schedule Compliance DateEngine Model YearRequirements January 1, 2011Pre 1994Install PM Filter January 1, Install PM Filter January 1, Install PM Filter Replace Vehicle January 1, Replace Vehicle January 1, 2015Pre 1994 with retrofitReplace Vehicle January 1, with RetrofitReplace Vehicle January 1, Replace Vehicle January 1, 2018All Pre 2007No new requirements January 1, 2019All Pre 2007No new requirements January 1, 2020All Pre 2007No new requirements January 1, or equivalentReplace Vehicle January 1, Replace Vehicle January 1, Replace Vehicle CARB:Truck and Bus Regulation Reducing Compliance Options
8 Option Two: BACT Percent Limit BACT Percent Limit Compliance Date Percent of fleet complying with BACT PM Retrofit2010 Emission Standard January 1, %N/A January 1, %N/A January 1, %25% January 1, %50% January 1, %50% January 1, %60% January 1, %80% January 1, %80% January 1, %80% January 1, %90% January 1, %90% January 1, %90% January 1, % Quick Reference Guide: Compliance Guide to CARB On-Road Truck and Bus Rule, Cummins West
9 Option Three: Fleet Averaging Fleet calculator Quick Reference Guide: Compliance Guide to CARB On-Road Truck and Bus Rule, Cummins West
10 Compliance Options Fleets may use different compliance options each year The fleet calculator allows fleet owners to compare the different compliance options for their fleet and tells when any of the three options are met CARB:Truck and Bus Regulation Reducing Compliance Options
11 Small Fleet Provisions Small fleets are exempt until January 1, 2014 Fleets operating in CA with one to three vehicles Engine Model YearsComplies Until with PM filter with PM filter Done (CARB: Truck and Bus Regulation Small Fleet Provisions)
12 Transport Refrigeration Units (TRUs) CA based TRUs must be registered with CARB to get an ID number and an operator report for the units All refrigerated trucks and trailers operating in CA are affected CARB: FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS AND GUIDELINES FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THE TRU ATCM Compliance Date Engine Model YearLow Emission StdUltra-Low Emission Std 2001 and olderDecember 31, 2008December 31, 2015* 2002December 31, 2009December 31, 2016* 2003N/ADecember 31, 2010 Future YearsN/ADecember 31 of the model year + 7 years
13 For additional information, please refer to any of the following: Quick Reference Guides on CIRCUIT Call CARB at 866-6DIESEL ( ) CARB at CARB website –Home page for the rule –Fleet calculator