“The Scarlet Ibis” Symbolism Maria Ortega 1B
“The last graveyard flowers were blooming, and their smell drifted through every room of our house, speaking softly the names of our dead.” This quote shows that Doodle and the Ibis resemble each other because they both die and it also connects to Doodle because they first gave him a name that would look nice on a tomb stone. The quote shows that Doodle and Ibis have similar deaths because they both die in a similar way and this tells us that their names can also be spoken softy like the quote tells us. This quote tells us that Doodle can identify himself with the bird because they both die and someone shows bereft towards their death; Brother to Doodle and Doodle to the bird. This also tells us that Doodle and the Ibis were put in worlds that they could not survive in because they both die.
“Lay on Earth like a broken vase of red flowers.” This quote shows that Doodle and the Ibis are similar because they both represent the broken vase, they both go through a struggle. Doodle’s struggle is that he cannot live up to what his brother expects of him and the ibis is found in a place where he does not belong, belongs in tropic This quote tells us that Doodle and Ibis have similar deaths because they get to the point of exhaustion In the environment that they are in where they fail to resist. Doodle identifies himself to the bird wit this quote because they are both seen as the broken vas on Earth; they both are found somewhere where they have to pick themselves up and do what is expected. Its like the vase trying to glue its parts together Doodle and ibis are both put in worlds where they cannot survive because they feel broken and their job is to fix themselves and build up.
“Brother, brother, don’t leave me!” This quote shows the resemblance between the ibis and Doodle because they both seem to need help when they’re falling. The quote shows that they both have similar deaths because they die needing the help of someone that’ll help them build up Doodle identifies himself with the bird because they both need help to survive. They are both put in worlds where they cannot survive alone and that is why Doodle begs his brother not to leave him.
"Dead birds is bad luck. Specially red dead birds." This quote shows that Doodle and the ibis resemble each other because finding the dead bird gives a sign that Doodle will die soon and in a similar way. The quote shows they have similar deaths because they both die falling and have the bad luck of no one helping them They identify with each other because the ibis shows bad luck to Doodle. They are both put in worlds where they cannot survive without the help of someone
Green, White, Red The colors green, white and red symbolize a lot of things in me and my life. The color green symbolizes the love I have for natural things. The color white symbolizes the calm and peace person I am. The color red stands for all the bad and the struggles that I have faced until now, but those colors put together symbolize something that is really important for me. My origin, Mexican.
Cross Necklace The symbol of the cross necklace means many things to me. It can stand for a gift that I was given from someone very special. It has a sentimental value to me. It also stands for my religion. In a catholic church you will always see a cross. The cross necklace is also special to me because it gives me a feeling where I feel safe when wearing it.
Pink Rose Pink roses symbolize how beautiful nature is to me. Also how something really small from a seed can grow to something really pretty to a rose. It shows how things cannot grow without what is needed to grow. Roses can also mean a lot to people. Specially when it is something you’ve always wanted from someone.
The number 15 The number 15 has a special meaning to me. It is my age. It is also the number of years I have been with my family and to me that’s something very important. It can be a special moment like turning 15. Being Hispanic, that is a very important moment to a girl who has turned 15. It means there are many doors opening to her and welcoming her to the new world of being a women. Many celebrate this as a quinceanera.