Energy on the Move
Pair Share: Discuss/Review Picture. Explain what type of heat transfer are there and how do they work
Question How is heat transferred? How can the amount and direction of heat flow be determined?
Hypothesis IF we connect a hot and cold glass of water through an aluminum bar, then the heat (will/will not) transfer to the cold glass because of …..
Materials 2 Calorimeters with lids Aluminum bar 2 Celsius thermometers Stop Watch mL beakers
Procedure 1.Place the 150 mL beakers inside the calorimeters 2.Fill one beaker to 1 cm below the rim with room- temperature water 3.Carefully push the aluminum bar and Celsius thermometer through the slot in the lid so that this setup will be ready for you to take temperature readings. See Figure 1 for proper setup. 4.Record the temperature of the room- temperature water in Celsius under 0 time in the Data table. 5.Carefully fill the second calorimeter to 1 cm below the rim with boiling water. CAUTION Boiling water can cause severe burns
6.Quickly and carefully push the aluminum bar and Celsius thermometer through the slot in the lid so that this setup will be ready for you to take temperature readings. See Figure 1 7.When the temperature in the Calorimeter with hot water stops rising, record the temperature under 0 time in the data table. 8.Record temperature readings for both calorimeters, in degrees Celsius, at 1- minute intervals for 20 minutes. Record the data in the Data table. 9.Graph the temperature readings for both calorimeter on the graph grid provided
Table 1: Temperature of water at 1 minute intervals for 20 minutes
Graph... Don’t forget...
Graph 1: Temperature of “Hot” water and “Cold” water at 1 minute intervals for 20 minutes Write a brief description of what happened. Hint: Use increasing and decreasing.
Title Y-Axis Title X-Axis Title Numbers in even increment Number in increasing increment What type of graph is this???
Discussion There are three types of Heat transfer Radiation, Convection and Conduction. Which form of heat transfer accounts for most of the heat transfer in this setup? Explain
Which Direction does the heat energy flow? How do you know?
Is heat lost outside of the system? Explain
Conclusion Was your Hypothesis Correct? Explain