Decision on MPA ad hoc committee Agree to: i. Continue the MPA working group for a two year period. ii. Reconstitute the working group membership in order to conduct its work through the internet to include a broad cross-section of ICRI membership. iii. Request the working group to present a workplan at the next ICRI general meeting which outlines achievable objectives for the next two years. iv. Request the working group to consider whether and how the following elements should be included within its workplan;
Decision on MPA ad hoc committee a. Collaboration with the CBD to facilitate the national implementation of the CBD protected areas/marine protected areas work programmes and the CBD coral work programme. b. Assessing and enhancing MPA management effectiveness. c. Communication of ICRI interests and goals to such meetings as IMPAC and SIDS. d. The importance of socio-economic objectives in the management of coral reef ecosystems.
On line discussion. 1 st attempt in september had no results due to problem with the forum set up Reinitiated february 2005 Even though participation has been low, it is ICRI Forum’s most used discussion.
1. How should this group engage the ICRI operational networks? 2. Should the group actively participate in planning or design of events such as ITMEMS or IMPAC? 3. Should this group evaluate global MPA status? 4. Should the group issue specific resolution recommendations to the CPC? 5. What should be the MPA workgroup’s mission?
Discussion participants Andy Hooten Nohora Galvis Alison Glass Marjo Vieros Richard Kenchington Peter Rubec Kalli DeMeyer
Summary table Communicate ICRI’s MPA interests and goals to ICRS, ITMEMS and IMPAC Assess and Improve MPA management effectiveness Identify appropriate ways for MPAs to define their local ecological and socio-economic objectives of management GCRMN being engaged would be to finally encourage common monitoring approaches within MPA
Summary table On-line discussion with ICRAN about what it is that makes each of its MPAs (i.e. demonstration sites) tick. Then issue recommendations to ICRI about decent practices for MPAs Rated reading list for key issues of MPAs
Summary table Critical analysis by the group of those examples that work, contrasted against things tried, but not sustained Advise ITMEMS 3 and IMPAC dedicated sessions where MPA issues and case studies could be tabled and constructively discussed
Summary table Determine whether some kind of MPAs spatial network makes logistical sense The Secretariat has a mandate from the CBD Conference of the Parties to provide countries with advice on network design and ecological coherence of networks
Summary table Gap areas that need to be addressed to reach, for coral reef areas, the World Summit on Sustainable Development and CBD target of a representative MPA network by 2012 Should the group issue specific resolution recommendations to the CPC? I would think that this should be an important function of the group. Low participation risk.
Summary table ICRI might influence they way in which MPA’s operate and are sustained Review of WWF, NOAA the World Bank management effectiveness methods Census of users per activity and healthy coral reefs cover to compare status of fully protected versus partial protected and unprotected areas
Summary table The top 5 or 10 key factors that can serve as common language for communication between MPAs (whether the information pertains to no-take targets, user fees, or goals for budget partitioning) Stakeholder activities, perspectives and compliance, coral cover, commercial species presence and abundance
Summary table ICRI may as a collective body write letters to ministries of environment per country and regional / local managers Communicate the needs of MPA’s to policy and decision makers Find some clear, consistent and harmonious way of streaming discussions (Green and blue MPA’s)
Summary table MPA’s are not strictly coral ICRI could also lend its voice and help to lobby to get the global MPA database updated Find funding to adapt the recently produced toolkit for MPA managers in the Western Indian Ocean for other regions
Recommendations ICRI Facilitate sharing of MPA spatial distribution (If this task is not feasible through operational networks, committee or secretariat should search for a partnership ) Evaluate global status in reference to the World Summit on Sustainable Development and CBD target of a representative MPA network by 2012
Recommendations ICRI MPA managers network to effectively distribute information (opportunity to reactivate ICRIN) Encourage proper use of forum tools
Recommendations Committee During CPC evaluate relevance and define various themes from summary Continue on line discussions using summary themes as new postings (subject threads) Directory of key players to further discussions