LIZ TUBB Barrier to learning: Depression and Suicidal tendencies
What is depression? An Emotional disorder causing consistent feeling of sadness, loss of interest, and a blank, nothing feeling.
Clinical depression Most severe Chemical imbalance Fewer serotonin receptors People with a history of depression tend to have a smaller hippocampus
What causes depression? Chemical imbalance Genetic Certain medications Abuse Substance abuse 30% of drug and alcohol addicts are depressed Loss Extreme stress Serious illness
Symptoms of Depression Distracted Emotional instability Loss of interest Insomnia Sleeps all the time Compulsive cleaning Never cleans Talks about depressing topics frequently Lack of motivation Simple tasks become immensely harder Self Harm
Cutting Self-inflicted act injuring ones self on purpose with a sharp object to create scrapes or cuts Usually on arms, thighs, and stomach Some people will burn their skin to create scars instead of cutting Getting mad at a person who cuts, rejecting that person, lecturing them, or begging them to stop are not effective ways to address cutting(!!!!!!) No one should down-play the seriousness of this behavior(!!!!!)
How is this a Learning Barrier? Can’t focus Sleeps during class Isn’t interested They do not do the work and cant pay attention. They may not even come to class and if they do they may not engage in activities.
Misconceptions about suicide People who talk about it never do it. Suicide occurs without warning. Suicidal people are always suicidal. Suicide occurs only among the rich and the poor. Suicidal people have severe mental illness and are usually untreatable. Suicidal people get better by talking it out.
Reasons Why People Commit Suicide Escape overwhelming stress Avoid being a burden Severe depression Significant loss
How to help Doctor Medication Therapy Don’t down play their feelings. Be patient and understanding. Try to engage them by getting one on one time without embarrassing them and show them that the subject can be interesting Build them up Do not push the subject
Quiz 1. List three reasons why someone would be depressed. 2. How do you talk to someone about depression/self- harm? 3. How does depression inhibit someone from learning? 4. List three symptoms of depression. 5. True or False: Suicidal people are always suicidal.
Answers 1. Chemical imbalance, Abuse, Substance abuse Loss, Extreme stress, Serious illness 2. Don’t down play their feelings. Be patient and understanding. 3. They do not do the work and cant pay attention. They may not even come to class and if they do they may not engage in activities. 4. Distracted, Emotional instability, Loss of interest, Insomnia, Sleeps all the time, Compulsive cleaning, Never cleans, Talks about depressing topics frequently, Lack of motivation, Simple tasks become immensely harder, Self Harm 5. False. The feeling and thoughts sometimes go away throughout the day.