Programming Moving Light
Setting Patch Go to the patch page and select –POWER PATCH
Power Patch Fixtures: Type in 1/3 Change Fixture Type to “High End” Studio Color 250
Set Output Start at 1 and Output Interval to 15. Click Apply and OK
Finish Patch Continue with channels 4/6 and select Studio Spots. Starting address is 46 and the output interval is 18.
Select Lights 1/3 and bring them to 100%. You may now go through the available fixture parameters (Pan and Tilt, Color, etc.) Repeat for 4/6 (you will lose CMY mixing but now have Gobos.)
Return to Cue Screen and select channels 1-4
All Fixture Attributes are found at the bottom of the screen Pan and Tilt Color Gobo Lens/Focus Functions Effects
Pan and Tilt
Lens Focus
DMX Addresses for Fixtures Power Patch DMX is Digital Multiplex (DMX 512a) and is the protocol for speaking to dimmers and intelligent lights. Each fixture must be addressed accordingly. The First Universe is the first 512 channels of DMX. We have two Universes available.
Programming Tip and Terminology 1. MIB: Move in Black. Fixtures will move to the next recorded position when the intensity is a 0%. 2. Tracking: Unchanged data is transferred to the next cue and all subsequent cues until it is changed. 3. Block Cue: All DMX values are set to 0, blocking any tracking of data. 4. Mark Cue: While in a cue, set all intensities to 0 and record again with a new #. Lights will not move until they are dark and the audiences won’t see the movement. 5. Color Picker: Shift/Tools. Allows you to select a custom color when using CMY mixing.
Programming Quiz Written 1.Name four attributes of moving lights. 2.Pan and Tilt are under the_____tab. 3.Color choices for the Studio 250 Spot are limited to a single______ rather than cyan, magenta and yellow. 4. A cue that disguises the movement of the lights is called a____cue. 5. Each universe is comprised of____channels
Programming Quiz 6. Focusing a gobo is done by using the____control found under the Lens tab. 7. Automatic movement of the lights is called____. 8. Patching multiple fixtures simultaneously is called______. 9. How many universes does our console have? 10. Functions are found under the____tab. This is where you can Lamp On or Lamp Off fixtures.