T WO R ESPONSES TO THE D EPRESSION How did the federal government respond to the economic collapse that began in 1929?
DO NOW DO NOW Examine the projected photograph, and imagine that you are a government official who must respond to the pleas of these children. What will you tell them can be done to help them and their families? Determine which response below do you agree with most. Response A: America won’t let you down, kids. If your parents work really hard, they will eventually find jobs to support you and your family. In this country, hard work and perseverance always pay off. Maybe for right now, though, your church or a charity near your home can help your family. Personal responsibility and local organizations are the answers to your problems. Response B: I feel truly horrible about your situation. You must be very hungry. But help is on the way. Soon the government will start programs to provide jobs for your parents. The government will make sure you are fed, too. The president and Congress will help you. More government programs is the answer to your problems. Response C: Wealthy Americans must stop being so greedy! The government needs to tax the wealthy heavily and give some of that money to those who live in poverty. Redistributing or sharing the wealth is the answer to your problems.
Response A: America won’t let you down, kids. If your parents work really hard, they will eventually find jobs to support you and your family. In this country, hard work and perseverance always pay off. Maybe for right now, though, your church or a charity near your home can help your family. Personal responsibility and local organizations are the answers to your problems. Response B: I feel truly horrible about your situation. You must be very hungry. But help is on the way. Soon the government will start programs to provide jobs for your parents. The government will make sure you are fed, too. The president and Congress will help you. More government programs is the answer to your problems. Response C: Wealthy Americans must stop being so greedy! The government needs to tax the wealthy heavily and give some of that money to those who live in poverty. Redistributing or sharing the wealth is the answer to your problems.
M AIN I DEA President Hoover’s conservative response to the Great Depression drew criticism from many Americans.
A CTIVITY Hoover’s Response to the Great Depression Read pages in your Americans textbook then explain Hoover’s ideas on solving the Depression on the graphic organizer. When finished flip over your paper and complete the information on Hoover and the Bonus Army.
H OOVER ’ S I MMEDIATE R ESPONSE Tried to reassure the nation. Continue as usual. “ Rugged Individualism ” Idea that American people will work hard, hold high moral values, engage in creative problem solving, waste less, and focus on independence Gov’t should play a limited role Opposed any welfare programs (no direct aid to the people) Direct aid = corruption, laziness, and a connection to socialism Hoover’s response confused and angered many Americans
The Hoover Dam, as it was later called, was a $700 million project initiated by Herbert Hoover. It was approved in 1928 and construction began in The Dam supplies water and controls flood throughout many Western states and cities, including Los Angeles and Las Vegas. B OULDER D AM
Above: Picture of the Colorado River before the Construction of the Dam Below: Diagram of the Hoover Dam
H OOVER ’ S A ID – PT. I Committee for Unemployment Relief Government committee that raised money for needy communities Encouraged people and businesses to contribute to privately organized welfare funds called community chests Hoover believed in “trickle down” (top to bottom) economy Boulder Dam was an example of gov’t encouraging cooperation Hoover’s Radio Address on Unemployment
H OOVER ’ S A ID – D IRECT I NTERVENTION Federal Home Loan Bank Act Lowered mortgage rates for homeowners and farmers in order to avoid foreclosure Reconstruction Finance Corporation Government organization with the power to lend money from the national treasury Lent $2 billion to banks, insurance companies, loan associations, railroads, and other businesses Hoped to get business going again Served as indirect relief (so it did not violate Hoover’s Rugged Individualism ) Too little, too late for Hoover
F EELINGS ON H OOVER Hoovervilles Shantytowns in American cities Hoover blankets Newspapers that homeless people wrapped themselves in Hoover Flags Empty pockets turned inside out Feelings towards Hoover by 1930 Many saw him as a cold and heartless leader
B ONUS E XPEDITIONARY A RMY Led by Walter Waters Support the Patman Bill Authorized gov’t to pay a bonus to WWI vets who had not been adequately compensated for their wartime service 10, ,000 WWI vets and families arrive in Washington D.C. in 1932 Hoover thought the Bonus marches were “communists and persons with criminal records” not vets. Most of the Bonus Army leaves, but 2,000 stay to meet w/ the President Hoover opposed the bill and it is eventually rejected by Congress
D ISBANDING THE B ONUS A RMY 1,000 soldiers (led by Douglas MacArthur and Dwight D. Eisenhower) arrive to remove the Bonus Army B.A. is gassed (many injured, few die-including an 11 month old baby) The public is stunned by military response (McArthur’s choice, not Hoover’s) Hoover looks very bad and ensures that the Election of 1932 will go against him
The Bonus Army March Hoover considered many criminals or communists, but allowed them to assemble. Public reaction towards Hoover and the government’s actions were negative. Franklin Roosevelt believed this was the event that won him the election in 1932.
E LECTION OF 1932 Herbert Hoover re-nominated by Republicans Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) Democrat FDR easily wins election