Social Problems POPULATION! – 1.3 billion people Imbalance of wealth between rich and poor Urbanization 62% of population lives in rural areas now but in 2035 it is predicted that 70% will live in urban areas Aging Nation Currently 10% of population considered elderly 2050 – median age in China will be 45
Environmental Problems Air Pollution According to the EPA Air Quality Scale, any pollution rating above 300 means air is unsafe to breathe. January 2013 – 19 days above 300 (Beijing) January 12, 2013 – Air quality reached 886 (Beijing) Water Pollution January 2013 – a chemical accident leaked benzene, a known cancer-causing agent, into a tributary of the Huangpu River More than half of China’s surface water is so polluted that it cannot be treated to make drinkable
Environmental Problems Desertification Permanent destruction of forests in order to make the land available for other uses ¼ of China’s total land surface is under desertification “Cancer Villages” Entire towns that have been written off as so polluted that simply living there is a cancer risk
China in the Global Economy China is the largest holder of U.S. public debt World’s second largest economy (behind U.S.) One of the world’s fastest-growing major economies World’s largest exporter and importer of goods