SY120 to the Meson Test Facility (and KTeV?) - Chuck Brown – 23Feb04 – June/08 P2 P1 MI52 MCenter MTest 3 km beam line from MI52 to MT6 and MC7 2.5 km.


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Presentation transcript:

SY120 to the Meson Test Facility (and KTeV?) - Chuck Brown – 23Feb04 – June/08 P2 P1 MI52 MCenter MTest 3 km beam line from MI52 to MT6 and MC7 2.5 km from MI52 to KTeV Hall P1  P2  KTeV Hall (proposed for E906)

120 GeV proton beam to the KTeV Hall An 800 GeV proton beam which created a secondary neutral kaon beam was most recently delivered to KTeV hall in ~1999 The 1999 beam line contained one large superconducting string of dipoles. Since then, the lab has decommissioned the cryogenic system in the Switchyard. Fortunately, we can deliver 120 GeV beam with normal magnets (after some reconfiguration). The renovation of the Switchyard to deliver an intense 120 GeV proton beam to the KTeV Hall will be an Accelerator Division Project. It can be done mostly while the Tevatron is running.

P1 P2 P3 Transfer Hall High Intensity 120 GeV To Pbar Production Encl-B Encl-C <1e12 to MTest Encl-G1 Encl-G2 Encl-NM1 Encl-NM2 Encl-NM3 KTeV Hall Enclosures in RED must be modified To transmit 120 GeV protons Extracted 120 GeV proton beam line to KTeV Hall, E906 Main Injector - 14” dia. Underground beam pipe To Tevatron

Last quad doublet about 200’ upstream Counting Room

Time structure of the 120 GeV proton beam. The Main Injector RF operates at 53 MHz; thus the beam is bunched in 1 nsec long pulses every 19 nsec. RF timing signal is available at the experiment – makes timing counters easy! Can be used to clock the electronics The circumference of the MI is about 10 μsec.; thus there is an 1 μsec injection gap every 10 μsec. There is an random variation of the resonant slow extraction intensity due to magnet ripple, beam oscillations, etc. This leads to a gross duty cycle of less than 50%. I.e. 2 uncorrelated counters, each counting 0.1% of the beam would have a randoms rate of 1e-6 if duty cycle was 100% - can realistically expect 2-3e-6 randoms because beam is not perfectly random in time.