WordPart of Speech DefinitionSentence Composite A)Adjective B)Noun A)Put together from many different parts B)Something put together from many different parts A)Based on the reports of several witnesses, the artist made a composite sketch of the man who may have committed the robbery. B)The sculpture in front of the new building is a composite of fixtures, pipes, and other materials salvaged from the old building before it was destroyed.
WordPart of Speech DefinitionSentence DeposeVerbA)To forcefully remove from office or power B)To take testimony from a witness in a lawsuit A)The forces of Benito Juarez deposed Emperor Maximilian as king of Mexico, in B)When the witness was deposed, he stated that he had heard the car alarm go off at exactly 10:45 pm.
WordPart of Speech DefinitionSentence ExpositionNounA)The systematic explanation of a subject B)A public exhibition A)The textbook’s clear exposition of the principles of calculus enabled me to learn the material easily. B)There were many clever kitchen devices on display at the exposition.
WordPart of Speech DefinitionSentence ImpositionNounA)Something that is newly renewed. B)A burden or unfair demand A)The imposition of a strict new dress code upset some students. B)It is an imposition to have inconsiderate guests in one’s home.
WordPart of Speech DefinitionSentence ImpostorNounA person who assumes a false identity He said he was a physician, but the impostor hadn't even finished high school.
WordPart of Speech DefinitionSentence Juxtapositio n NounPlacement side by side or close by When placed in juxtaposition, it was clear which painting was a Monet and which one was fake.
WordPart of Speech DefinitionSentence OppositionNoun A resistance; a disagreement The city’s proposal to cut down all the trees that lined the street met with considerable opposition from residents.
WordPart of Speech DefinitionSentence ProponentNounA person who argues in support of something; an advocate or a supporter The senator is a proponent of nuclear arms limitations.
WordPart of Speech DefinitionSentence PropositionNounA plan suggested for acceptance; a proposal Cabinet members discussed the vice president’s proposition for increasing trade with the Philippines.
WordPart of Speech DefinitionSentence RepositoryNounA)A safe place for storage B)A person who stores or is a source of information or knowledge. A)The museum was a repository for ancient Mesopotamian artifacts. B)My grandmother is a repository of information on herbal remedies.