School transformation through Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation(CCE) A journey from ideas to practice ……
OVER ALL STRATEGY …………. That aims at transforming the teaching learning process to make it more :-- Student centered Activity Based Learning Focused Equity oriented EQUITY IS THE CENTER OF THE STRATEGY BELIEVING THAT ALL CHILDREN CAN LEARN
The beginning…………….. In the light of NCF 05 and RTE Act and to address the issue of quality in the mainstream schools GoR initiated integrated adoption of National Curriculum Framework, its suggested pedagogy, syllabus-text books and Continuous and Comprehensive Assessment …………………………. Leading to school transformation though CCE
We BELIEVE THAT ……. Assessment cannot be seen in isolation CCE is a Holistic school reform CCE is a Holistic classroom reform Using RTE as an opportunity and CCE as a methodology to bring in changes in classroom process, school environment and community engagement aiming at better learning outcomes for children
The journey began with Partnership with SSA,SIERT UNICEF and Bodh piloting in 60 schools in 2010 Research base initiation and action research to develop scheme Piloting the scale up strategy Short term and long term planning Streamlining the budget within government provisions
Stage two The block approach was demonstrated in 5 blocks reaching out to 5500 schools where all schools came together to implement the school transformation process There is one pedagogy plans for the block where DIETS, BEEO resource persons plan together
Demonstration showing results Control Pilot
Major achievements/shifts Improved learning level of children as per grades Disposition of teachers towards pedagogical practices Enhanced attendance of children Pedagogy-Evaluation scheme for primary classes and upper primary institutionalised Draft pedagogy-Evaluation scheme for upper primary is ready
From 60 schools to 5500 in 2013 From 5500 schools to 20,000 in 2014 From 20,000 schools in 74 blocks in 2014 to 60,000 in 2016 COVER ALL SCHOOLS IN 2018 School Transformation through CCE expansion process learning
The four pillars of pedagogy change Pedagogy change Activity Based Learning Continuous Comprehensive Assessment Teachers capacity Teacher support through cluster approach One cluster resource school identified for every 15 schools where regular monthly meetings held for each subject Management Block approach to planning, implementation and supportive supervision Institutional Development DIETS as the academic lead in the district SIERT as the academic lead in the state