CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY © 1998–2007 Epocrates, Inc. All rights reserved. Nursing Community Survey March 2007
Slide | 2 Survey Background Survey includes 507 Epocrates nurses Primary working regions –Urban 51% –Suburban35% –Rural 14% Primary clinical setting –Hospital69% –Outpatient clinic or physician practice 14% –Academic center 7% –Long-term care facility 3% –Other 7% Years in practice –Less than 10 years30% –10 – 19 years34% –More than 25 years34% Female: 75% Male: 25%
Slide | 3 Primary motivators for nurses: desire to help and interest in medicine Which factors were most important to you in choosing to enter the medical profession and become a nurse? (n=507)* *Nurses allow to select up to 3 choices % of nurse respondents
Slide | 4 Nurses are dedicated to career choice Knowing what you do now, would you still choose a career in nursing? (n=507) Top reasons why not: Poor compensation Feel overworked, under appreciated Would rather be a doctor High stress Too political
Slide | 5 65% of nurses spend more time on administration today than 3 yrs ago Compared to three years ago, please estimate if you spend more, less or the same amount of time on the following activities: % of nurses
Slide | 6 3-yr trends expected to continue – growth in admin and focus on safety Thinking ahead three years from now, please estimate if you spend more, less or the same amount of time on the following activities: % of nurses
Slide | 7 Patients show nurses the most respect; medical students the least In general, what degree do you feel the below groups respect nurses? (n=507) % of respondents
Slide | 8 72% believe staffing shortages are the greatest healthcare challenge What do you feel are the greatest challenges facing the healthcare industry today? (n=507)* *Nurses allowed to select up to 3 choices; includes responses above 15% % of nurse respondents
Slide | 9 Nursing shortage translates to more responsibilities in less time How has the nursing shortage impacted your practice? (n=507)* *Nurses allowed to select up to 3 choices % of nurse respondents
Slide | 10 Over 60% of nurses expect healthcare system to worsen in 5 years Over the next 5 years, how do you believe the U.S. healthcare system will change? (n=507)
Slide | 11 Over 90% believe better working conditions & financial incentives will attract students Please rate the degree to which you believe the following would be effective in attracting more students into the nursing profession: % of nurses
Slide | 12 Over 50% avoid 2 or more medical errors per week with mobile clinical references % of nurses Please estimate how often mobile clinical references help you avoid an adverse drug event or medical error (n=507)
Slide | 13 Mistakes and handwriting top contributors to medical errors # of nurses What factors do you feel contribute the most to medical errors? *Nurses allowed to select up to 3; includes responses above 15%
Slide | 14 Over 50% believe better staff/patient ratios could improve safety Please identify which initiatives could most positively impact medication error reduction? (n=507)* *Nurses allowed to select up to 2 choices % of nurse respondents Note: 69% are hospital-based nurses
Slide | 15 77% expect to be using EMRs within three year Looking ahead three years, please estimate if you will be using the below technologies more, less or the same compared to today % of nurses
Slide | 16 ~75% believe cost is the main hurdle to nurses adopting technology Why do you believe nurses have not adopted technology as quickly as physicians (n=507)* *Nurses allowed to select two % of nurse respondents
Slide | 17 97% believe mobile clinical references provide an advantage To what extent do you agree/disagree that having access to clinical information on your PDA give you an advantage over your nursing colleagues that do not use a PDA (n=507)
Slide | 18 Using the Survey Results Thank you for your interest in the Nursing Community Survey. The results are available for unrestricted use. Please reference the ISMP and the Epocrates Market Research Panel when sourcing the survey data.