Background of Psychology Quick Historical Overview
Roots in Ancient Greece Socrates “Know thyself.” –introspection Aristotle – associationism Hippocrates - biological factors can affect our thoughts, feelings, and behavior
Middle Ages Psychological problems labeled as possession by demons No scientific study completed
Modern Psychology is Born 1800s Argument was that human behavior and mental processes should be supported by evidence 1879 was key year
Wilhelm Wundt “Father of Psychology” Established a modern laboratory to study psychology (1879) Founded structuralism –Objective sensations (reflect outside world) –Subjective feelings (emotional responses and mental images) –What are the elements of psychological processes?
William James Conscious experience is a continuous “stream of consciousness” Functionalism –Concerned with how cognition helps people adapt to environment –Stressed applications to everyday situations –What are the purposes of behavior and mental processes? –What do certain behaviors/cognitions accomplish for the person? –Adaptive actions are repeated and become habits
John B. Watson Saw consciousness as private event only known to the individual Must limit psych to observable, measurable events = behavior Founder of Behaviorism Viewed psych as the scientific study of observable behavior
B. F. Skinner Added to Behaviorism with concept of reinforcement When rewarded for behavior, more likely to repeat that behavior People learn to behave in certain ways because they have been reinforced for doing so
Gestalt Psychology Context influences people’s interpretation of information Gestalt means “shape” or “form” Perceptions are more than the sums of their parts They are wholes that give meaning to the parts Experience can’t be broken down into parts Learning is accomplished by insight, not mechanical repetition Insight is the Gestalt (form) that enables the person to see the solution
Sigmund Freud Founder of Psychoanalysis –Emphasizes unconscious motives and internal conflicts influencing behavior Assumes that most of what exists in an individual’s mind is unconscious Human behavior is aimed at satisfying desires, even though some of them seem socially inappropriate/unacceptable People want to see selves as good/decent humans People often consciously unaware of real motivations for behavior Goal: help people find socially acceptable ways of expressing wishes and meeting needs