Background to War Unit 4- Hot and Cold War Lesson 1 Big Idea: Post WWI conditions paved the way for repressive leaders who rose to power in Europe in the 1920s and 30s; motivated by their political, imperial, and nationalist beliefs.
Objectives Explain why WW2 is an extension of WW1. Trace the rise of dictators and their actions that put the world on the path to war. Locate key areas and alliances of WW2 in a map activity.
Warm Up Which two world leaders came to power in 1933? FDR Hitler
Treaty of Versailles Intended to prevent future wars. Provisions? Assessment?
Europe Post WW1 Conditions? Economic Depression Social and Political Unrest
Opportunist #1- Joseph Stalin 1924 Soviet Union Communism Industrial & agricultural reform Take out friend or foe!
Opportunist #2- Benito Mussolini 1921 Italy Fascist Party= nationalism, state interests before individual. Rebuild empire
Opportunist #3- Hideki Tojo 1930’s Japan Military regime wants imperial and industrial power Maintain Emperor Hirohito as puppet figurehead
Opportunist #4- Adolf Hitler 1933 Germany Nazi Party stresses extreme nationalism (German Empire and racial purification)
The Crisis Deepens Road to War F3FF247A&blnFromSearch=1&productcode=US
Aggressive Actions Reclaim lost territory, annex new areas often with (threat of) aggression Violate international agreements Form mutual aid alliances Rome-Berlin-Tokyo Axis Non-Aggression Pact with Soviet Union
Prevention? APPEASEMENT Munich Conference NEUTRALITY Nye Committee
Comparing Causes of War World War I? Nationalism Imperialism Militarism Alliances International Anarchy Assassination F 2 World War II? Nationalism Imperialism Militarism Alliances International Anarchy Polish Blitzkrieg
Homework Reading Journal 3.2