Nordic Field Trial System Oats meeting 28 Sep, SLU/Alnarp Thomas Nitschke - Agrotech, Århus/Denmark
Danish Agricultural Advisory Service National Centre Danish Agricultural Advisory Service Research, trials, etc Danish Agricultural Advisory Service, National Centre Farmers 60 local centres
Technology transfer from science to farming * A tradition of impartial trials * Impartial field trials - the only way to obtain -knowledge on varieties, pesticides, fertilizers and dosages Opera (fungizide) Winter wheat: 1 l/ha Chemical company:11 field trials: Estimated savings for Danish farmers: 15 mio. US$ pr. yr.
Organization of national field trials 17 field trial units carry out the trials These units and AgroTech have a contract regulating the co- operation –Number of trials, economy –Requirements in relation to quality, documentation, equipment
NFTS background * A Danish field trial system developed since 1992 * Meetings and contacts between Nordic countries since 2002 * A common Nordic system developed by Danish Agricultural Advisory Service * Nordic Field Trial System introduced in 2006
Advantages of the system: Secure central data storage Availability of all the experimental data at any time Quick calculation and publication Nordic Field Trial System (NFTS) 4 Modul: Field Trial planning PC Field Trial Administration Field Trial - Overview
Field Trial planning – Creation of the master plan The field trial plans will be published on the internet!
Distribution of the individual trials
NFTS generated: Planting plans Harvesting plans Individuelle adaptation of the design
Data Collection
Data Collection with the help of hand-held terminals ’Psion Workabout’ ’Smart Trial’ Advantages: PC Field Trial Data is transferred directly into the system Saves time Avoids Transmission error Enables fast data exchange
Barcodes and delivery notes for all the samples! Advantages: Avoiding incorrect labeling of samples Electronic transfer of laboratory analysis results Prevention of transmission errors